Look at all of these call-ins that you missed ojisans, simply because all you wanted to be a fuddy duddy and shitpost instead of enjoying this amazing Gura Totsu where the shark tries her best to communicate but trips over every word she says. It's cute and adorable and it's a very happy day and you still have time to catch some and learn how to smile. Lots of potential call-ins to happen from every branch still, you never know who's going to show up. Maybe your oshi will show up next if you watch it right now instead of thinking about running it down mid and doing a front flop in front of everyone so they can call you a retard. You don't want to be called a retard, you want to be called a fan of Hololive, that's such a better title don't you think? God Iroha's so goddamn cute, listen to her spill that spaghetti.