After god knows how many delays, finally we get to enjoy Meimei's beautiful singing voice as the Unarchived Karaoke she talked about during her zatsudan has come to fruition! And not only that she's got her the SOJU you all told her to consume so now she's gonna get tipsy (maybe) and ready to sing new songs after SSS and Mama Mia (probably). Quit complaining /hlgg/, you know you love Meimei and her singing. You'll forget about the delays in no time the minute she sings a song so just enjoy life as is and quit worrying about the fine print. defeat the gacha! She has obtained herself in HoloCure and now she can try to defeat the fans of Hololive with her intense healing/crit powers. Or rather she's trying her best to do so because IRyS needs a certain build to really shine and if you're unlucky with your level ups then your IRyS would flop like PieRys on a cold winter day. She's having fun though and she's really cute which is really all that matters at the end of the day. Go IRyS Go! Get those stage completes and unlock all the characters of HoloCure! bosses and the world ending couldn't phase Noel one bit but put her up against the casino and congratulations on making this knight scream in horror because you robbed her of getting the jackpot while she succumbs to the slot machines. Like seriously, those ear shattering screams she lets out when she loses out on big bucks are insane and incredible. Weak. Tobi-Kodachi? More like Tobi Kodeadchi. All monsters fall to the power of Aki's Gunlance because there isn't a monster alive who could defeat the strength and power one is able to wield when they pick up this incredible weapon. Explosions and Blast Dashes await you, so why don't you push those tiny daggers aside and pick up a REAL weapon?'s still being hyper adorable right now, travelling along the beaches and oceans of the resource server on the JP side in order to obtain lots of Flame Rods and the likes because thanks to the update, the END Zone has been replaced and thus, Koyori's on a journey to find said place on her own without the help of her Holomates. This has led to many cute shrieks and giggles as she skirts death in the Nether multiple times.'s still beating the absolute shit out of yakuza floozies in Lost Judgement, show casing her mastery of karate with the chops, low kicks, flip kicks and dragon punches one would hope to learn when they're this deep in the karate juice. Lui's enjoyment of beating the shit out of punks who step up to her on the streets is such a wonderful sight to see. You can tell she just really enjoys playing this game. WILD RIFT FOR THE WILD RIFT BLACKSMITH! Sixteen streams of this and plenty more to come, you guys should check her out as she plays stuff like Evelynn and Zayah and ends up getting killed in the jungle because Diana is a piece of shit champion with piece of shit abilities and damage but it's okay because her team collapsed and returned the pain two fold allowing her to do counter gank bot lane and kill Olaf and LEAGUE OF LEGENDS WILD RIFT! GOOD STUFF!