I caught a fly in a net and cut its wings in half with a scizor, not rip out cuz it might die. I lighter a match, put it out and put the match on its eyes. I never seen a fly so desperate to run. It trier to fly but all it could do is roll and flail with it stupid little fly legs. I put it in cold water in an attempt to cool it off so it wont die right away. Put him out when he was about to drown. Now after he go livelier again i dropped in in boiling soup for the lulz. I hate it how much i enjoy it, there is just something so satisfying about playing God you know? I could just squash it and end his misery right there, but whats the fun about that? I want to see its reaction. I want to see it hoping to survive. I want to see it fight. Fight the inevitable, and fail. Its so calming, yet so wrong. I really want to tty to torture other animals. Like frogs or cats, dogs maybe even other humen.