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No.28066737 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post something you like and dislike about every current member of HoloEN. It doesn’t matter if you don’t watch all of them, you should still have some general thoughts through collabs, clips, and osmosis via discussion.
Ill-informed opinions are welcomed, but no rrats and no backhanded compliments even if you hate them.
Also, please indicate your favorites for the sake of transparency.

Design is cool and sexy. Knows how to market her music well.
Is impulsive and stubborn, which when combined with alcohol leads to the dumbest shit.
Has the best idol work ethic in all of EN.
Her in-character voice is a huge debuff for me.
>Gura (Myth oshi)
Cute and funny memelord. Has a great singing voice. Lowkey encourages her ToT fans instead of ignoring or disavowing them.
Is the living embodiment of a P on the Myers-Briggs personality test, which makes communication an issue. Is also extremely paranoid, but admittedly with good reason.
Is chill and a good artist. Violet is one of my favorite Holosongs.
I won’t say she’s boring, just not my cup of tea.
La creatividad who helps get shit done. Is also quite attractive.
I don’t think she’s as funny as the fanbase makes her out to be.

I actually like her design. Astrogirl is underrated.
Aside from the usual problems, she’s just kinda awkward. Still feel bad she’ll be graduating soon though.
>Fauna (Council oshi)
Her design and voice are pure sex. A natural conversationalist that’s a joy to listen to in both solo streams and collabs. Is secretly one of the biggest shitposters in EN.
Despite being an ASMR enthusiast, her current work is kinda mediocre. I understand not wanting to go lewd, but she also frequently repeats her triggers and doesn’t do as much roleplay anymore.
Design and voice are also pure sex, though in a different way from Fauna. We both like some of the same series. Deadpan humor makes her a natural comedian and bully target.
Actively goes out of her way to sandbag her appeal as if out of spite. Self-depreciating doomer attitude can get tiring after a while.
Is like Gura. Has an adorable laugh.
Is like Gura, but a less interesting version that sits in the background.
Mating press. Great energy in collabs.
Is just ok. Doesn’t really jive with her own kayfabe.

A genuinely sweet and entertaining girl. Amazing singer. Didn’t deserve to be shit on for so long.
That fucking face, but hopefully it will be fixed soon ™