>>32181077Not watching it, but she doesn't get it and never will because she's presumably surrounded by enablers who won't tell her the truth. Fact is, she wants to have her cake and eat it too. Wants TALENT FREEDOM but also to be a Hololive seisou yuribaiter. Someone should've made her eat every last bit of Mr. Koro's pasta.
FACT: You either live in the cuckshed or get called a whore.
There's no in between. There's no explaining it away. You can't laugh and flirt with a man on stream and rationalize away how that makes people feel. You can only assuage their worries by guaranteeing it won't ever happen again, and affording people a means of figuratively beheading you if you ever go back on your word. But she didn't, can't and won't do that, which means people are left with outrage over being overtly misled and no way to settle the score. At that point every word you say is a damning indictment of your character, and the best thing to do is shut up, get shit on, and hope someone else's turn comes up sooner rather than later.
At the end of the day, collabing with Homostars was selfish and unnecessary, and she only has herself to blame for bucking hololive tradition. And she won't learn anything from it either, just like "better communication" meant waiting to post the schedule until after the collab in order to hide it and avoid backlash. Can't fix this one, at all.