>>33560552>If there are no exceptions to when someone can be held accountable for their actions, then nothing can ever be criticized.I don't agree with this statement for the most part. There are massive differences between depression and other mental illnesses, personality disorders, etc., and while some of these mean you are incapable of normal human interaction, I don't think many of them excuse murder like you/that other anon was arguing earlier. It's not the same as some literal retard literally not knowing better, the argument you've all put forward is that she's "preying" on "lonely men", or similar statements/implications. Why do you only excuse the actions of the people who delude themselves into making up this relationship? You're so utterly convinced that they are innocent, yet it's likely that they're operating under the ill conceived notion that they're forming a relationship with a streamer, even if that's not what was intended? Or do you claim to understand Kronii's intentions? You're replies certainly seem to show that.
This type of parasocial behavior isn't seen just in vtubers, or female streamers. It's also a ridiculous assertion and revisionism that Kronii's trying to cultivate the "needy, broken, lonely male" as her main audience.
>You say the mental illness of the Kronii fans doesn't excuse their bad behavior but Kronii's bad behavior is okay because she is mentally ill? You're being completely arbitrary and hypocritical.Again, I'm saying the mental illness of people like YOU who can clearly understand the notion of common human morality enough to argue about it, are twisting it to the benefit of your group of self-attributed "broken" males/etc. by arguing that you believe these streamers have some form of "real" relationship or connection with their fans. They don't, it's entirely superficial, and in the case you're arguing, one-sided. And I haven't ever "excused" any actual act of streamers taking advantage of their audience, but it sure was convenient for you to make that assumption for your argument. Why should the streamer be at fault when some subset of "fans" get their expectations twisted of their own accord? Or is there no exception you can afford to the streamer, no "fan" that can take their one-sided affection too far?
The best solution for this entire situation would be for every party involved to move on.