>>34098937maybe after, but i strongly advocate for trying to test these kinds of things every time we reach bump limit in one of our threads. it's a pretty simple algorithm, but it is also very powerful if done consistently. worst case scenario you learn more about the jannies who kill our threads, which can help in figuring out how to make our non-stealth threads last longer, and therefore attract the most amount of people to keep our stealth threads alive. best case scenario we realize a janny is on vacation, or flat out stopped trying to kill us, and we get to have normal threads again. stealth threads are great for avoiding getting deleted, but not so good for regrouping when our other threads die.
people will lose track of us, and we will start to deplete our thread's stamina. throwing in a few non-stealth threads into the mix has very few risks, as far as i can tell. i don't think they would ban you just for being the op, for example, and the potential rewards more than make up for it most of the time, anyways. when our stealth threads don't reach bump limit, or when our named threads get deleted, we can pick between making stealth threads, or taking over bait threads, and if need be we can set up on other boards or sites for a while, but we shouldn't just keep doing the same thing when we are thriving, we should take the opportunities allowed to us by our thriving to experiment with even better options.
sorry for reposting, just didn't want it to be a wall of text i guess.