What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!
Dark Skin LOVE Edition
Interactive map:
https://vtwbg.github.io/ Introductory document for new anons:
https://rentry.org/vtwbg-intro CURRENT GOALS:
- Have No Goals
- Have Goals
- Abolish Rep System
>Note that the map isn't set in stone. >Greentexts and Flags of your general in /vt/ land are much appreciated. >Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute MINIMUM until we hit the bump limit. >Please think twice before posting if you're intoxicated or feeling moody. >Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Molest, hide and move on. >Don't press anons on their identity if you are not willing to give yours back. THREAD REP TRIPCODES:
https://rentry.org/vtwbg-rep-trips CLIMATE & TECTONICS POSTS (AIDS LORE/PLACEMENT):
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https://rentry.org/rvqz9 Weather Systems:
https://rentry.org/nnvbx Climate Analysis:
https://rentry.org/vtwbg-climate Tectonic Plates and their Movements:
https://rentry.org/dmkyc Geologic Provinces:
https://rentry.org/ztaf99 CURRENT MAGIC SYSTEM:
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Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
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>Notice: Watch out for the word "land *f“ where * is o. - - -
Anchor post for events in the /vtwbg/ canon timeline.
Reply to this post or commentate directly in the sheet suggestions for events to add to the timeline.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18-HH-xmC_qxOS3ZV0Ssxzb1mDA0xVKv31yMDLWo_pEo/edit Anonymous
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Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!
https://rentry.org/vtwbg-prompts Also, be sure to anchor your ideas for continent and ocean names here so we can discuss them.
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>Special Tourist's Guide to Vitubia:
https://rentry.org/ziuog If you wish to contribute to this, please submit a short text that introduces your nation by replying to this post.
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tremendously based thread
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>both Liora and Kokone like dark-skinned elves >this OP edition
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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>>37050087 be the change you want to see
Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
yo! i see me and pg got everyone horny for brown /meat/ girls
>>37017270 thanks, beat. whaddya think of it so far?
>>37050656 I think I want to write a companion piece for it but I'm already juggling two stories hnng pain, need more deadbeat writers.
I love your writing style Founder, you bring something really unique to the thread! I would enjoy a glossary, the line " by the Rikitnahualli, by the Rikitlachixqui, by the Rikitlaeknir, by the Rikitpochteca, by the Rikitemachtiani, and the Rikitlalchiuhqui." really fucked me up. Were these included in the org chart you made?
Also, I'm a sucker for this kind of struggle against a higher being shit. Pure JRPG energy. I think in the setting of Vitubia, the objective of the epic last line is probably not achievable, but they might still learn some stuff while trying... Or maybe it's all about the friends we make along the way, that's good too. Will look out for any continuation.
Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
>>37051197 >Were these included in the org chart you made? no. that only has the ministry of magic and faith. these bozos are the ministry of farming, welfare, economy, education, the works. i'll do an in depth once im done with this tale
>the objective of the epic last line is probably not achievable ohohoho no no my skelly friend
it's already been decided for the final fourth chapter. the meeting took one year before the exile. and the opener is one year after. thats two years for research. i'll try not to burst my meme mana dam for now but trust me it'll be GIGAKINO
>>37051419 Ah, non-chronological storytelling, classic! I see... Alright, will prepare for kino then.
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>>37051694 might not be the best idea sometimes, but it's an interesting style.
>>37051694 >tfw Founder is copying my method So it is now the go to /meat/ lore formula?
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>>37052001 Kronii is just a guideline, don't mind her. Let's get all timey wimey.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
Good thread for the first time in a while. Some of you might not be completely worthless afterall.
Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
>>37052001 no? i could say your style rubbed off on me
so if anyone's asking
fleshbone incident is 1134
meeting and proposal is 1135
/meat/ exile is 1142
opening with Xohildr is 1143
i'll update so you brainlets can understand!
>>37052719 That is 7 years into anti-custodian research.
I think we might be able to come up with something fruitful by the time we got Gay Baby Jail'd.
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>>37052461 Shut up and assume the position rape bait
>>37049924 >>37050656 Did I missed a new season of /vtwbg/ lore or something?
whats going on?
Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
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>>37053200 we're in the fukken esoteric climax arc now, kiddo!
>>37053083 thanks for correcting it. sorry deadbeat. i fucked up my math in
>>37051419 we've had 7 years of research done before they got us.
fuck I ended up being the brainlet
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>>37053200 Wym? This is about the Phase War and is my contribution to it.
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Wait a sec, I thought there was at least some lore on /lig/... If a climate chad is around, can I get a short analysis of it?
Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
>>37057422 we had a /lig/ writer
but he just dissapeared
didnt even got to participate in any votes
>>37057853 votes smotes, I think most new reps aren't interested in the voting since it's pretty infrequent and the concept of a rep isn't really detailed. /ybc/ and /towa/ are kind of the same in that regards.
I'm planning on writing something on Saa and was hoping that it wouldn't be the first mention of /lig/ in lore but I don't think a minor isolated snake cult should ruffle jimmies since she has no real major presence in lore.
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
Towabro.... Mepbro.... Saplings.... Rose sexpai.... And so many more. I miss them
Watch as I summon Towabro
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>>37060610 Those reps? All Me nanora.
/ag/ ? Also me but unironically. World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
So why don't we start a topic about general farming? One might think you can just till some dirt, bury a seed, and water it to farm but its a bit more complicated than that. Truth is farming soil is more selective than you think. First different crops grow in different climates. Citrus fruits favor more hotter, wetter, and acidic climates in general. Also growing fruit trees from seeds is very difficult and takes a long time. One might think wetter climates may be ideal for farming. But wetter climates have risk of mold and root disease if Ireland's potato famine is to go by. A good farm comes down to crop rotation, irrigation, and pest control. Even during Age of Exploration farming is a brutal job. There's a reason why slavery was practiced until the late 18th century with the Industrial Revolution. If you were a farmer then you were just unlucky not to be born a lord most of the time.
>>37061945 Does this go back to a slavery discussion on which countries would most likely utilize slave labor? Which countries would have a harder time getting crops nanora?
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>>37062304 It could. That said forced labor can be a punishment as its legal slavery. Slaves mostly did untouchable jobs like sewer work.
>>37061945 Slaves, especially in the overseas colonies of the european powers, were mainly used for cash crop farming, not subsistence, this is because importing food is expensive, and because it is not a good idea to put the slaves in charge of the production of food, lest the brutal conditions trigger a revolt among other things, of course, serfdom may be considered a form of slavery, but it is different in enough ways to be tipically be considered something else, the legal status of serfs could also be negotiated by the serfs (tipically with the threat of violence) and by the government against the nobles if need came. See: the difference the English crown and the Russian crown had towards serfs.
This division of labor happened in Roman times too, as slaves were preferred for olives and vineyards.
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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We just dealt with slavers so no slavery of any kind allowed. Sure other nations would work harder but we grow shit at 3x speed so I think that more than makes up for it.
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37062663 It makes sense for slaves to be used for profit over sustinance. You don't really have to pay them like you do serfs because they are your property. My great grandmother had a letter from the civil war about how her family treated slaves like an investment. They even had top medical care. But because she was a WWII spy the CIA bribed her ex to burn down her old house.
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37063413 I'm just going by what mom told me. The house burned before she was born. Grest Grandma was a WWII spy though.
>>37049250 https://rentry.org/Im-Syndoneisch-Krieg Chapter III done. Will get some action next chapter, I promise.
>>37063646 ....you aint one of them feds are you bread dog?
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Word cloud for last thread.
>>37060815 >This summoning me Just mention "Towa" like
>>37058234 did, if you need me, I'll probably show up cause I can't break the habit of archive searching. I'm just kinda swamped with college and this is probably on the least of my worries of things to tend to regularly, I might try to manage something over an upcoming break.
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37064169 No. Though sometimes I wish I was because I hear all the FBI does is shitpost on /pol/ all day on salary with insurance.
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
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...Whelp. There goes that reply.
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World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
Anyway. Soil quality is important. If your soil is sand then you're not growing much of anything. Swamps have low nutrient soil due to constant rains and drainage. I'm thinking northeast /2434/ gets hit with hard summer rains that its a little swampy judging by the air flow.
What happened to dragoon? I miss him.
>>37068897 Just been busy with college and life, not really anything of note.
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>>37063761 what kidn of abomination of a name is Bodelschwingh-Plettenberg? also one typo: Obsert instead of Oberst.
as for actual critique of content, i feel you are leaning a bit too into "the unwashed junker" a this point without giving him anything besides that, i thought that the end of the dress down was to showcase there is more to him but i feel Marschwitz enjoyed more character building in one chapter then Lüttwitz did in 3 so far. however Marschwitz did make this a very enjoyable read. The ending was a bit meh however with the beign the best drilled of them all when i feel that if he still is unwashed they really should not be that since he should still face resitance among his people of those that underestimate him.
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>>37067527 he's in pain as always
still active
but being locked up in OG and the lolis' grooming dungeon
>>37065851 >If your soil is sand then you're not growing much of anything It’s not meant for me but that sounds like my land
Owner very ignorant. Got pizza it was awful called got the owner, states not all people likes the same thing. I stated ate pizza from there before was not that bad this pizza looks like it was there all day and reheated, he went off stating he bows down to no one what a real tool will not eat there again filing a complaint with bbb.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37074635 Well you can grow stuff where there's mud like an oasis or river bed. Cactus and yucca are edible that can grow on sand.
>>37075139 These days I just throw a frozen pizza in the oven. Everyone's quiet quitting in fast food here. So I may as well save the time and money.
>>37075560 Here it’s more like spodosol but we should have some swamps and rivers
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37075639 I forgot you're in tundra? I was thinking desert. Though South America and Florida has them.
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
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Disregard. I don't know which avatar is who anymore. Anyway Spodzol is usually found in needle leaf forests. Only acidic vegetation can survive its acid soil. You can cultivate on spodzol but you need lots of lime, the mineral. Even then you'll be limited to high acid crops. Peppers grow surprisingly well.
>>37075817 I think it’s mostly taiga with a touch of tundra near the south and in the hills. Can peppers grow in cold places?
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37076329 Sadly most peppers do not. That said if you want a snow pepper that's tiny but incredibly spicy and acidy then it might be possible. The pepper's juice can be so acidic that it corrodes your insides if eaten raw.
>>37076458 Thanks for the idea! I get why it’s acidic and small, but is there a reason for it to be extra spicy?
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37076958 TL;DR is to prevent hungry winter animals like bears from eating and grinding the seeds.
Capsicums are named after capsaisin, the chemical that makes peppers hot and spicy. Capsaisin has no effect on birds because birds don't grind the seeds. They poop them out. Mammals grind seeds with their teeth. So peppers evolve capsaisin to prevent mammals from eating them.
Humans and some primates like the taste of natural poisons like alcohol, tobacco, and other life threatening things. And it turns out capsaisin is really good at flavoring and tenderizing meat. So humans learn to cultivate peppers.
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37076958 >>37078070 One more thing. Because the peppers would be small and easily eaten they'd be extra spicey to make mammals think twice before eating them again.
>>37078070 >>37078171 Thanks for the information! I think I’ll add it into /vnug/’s cuisine soon since Liora’s tolerant of spicy food and Kokone apparently really loves it (is that how this world’s cuisine is usually decided?)
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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TIME TO READ LORE AND STUFF lets see what everyone has been doing PS vnug boi is cute and i want to massage his ass cheeks
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37079838 A final note about capsaicin. Capsaicin is a natural insect repellant. Perhaps in the summer you can use ground snow peppers as a natural insect repellant. Speaking from experience skin contact is not recommended.
>>37080866 Sounds useful although I see conflicting reports on how well it repels mosquitoes, I’ll take note!
>>37072117 Amphibious assault! Very cool, nice work.
>>37072117 Hello kenzoku!
>>37075517 uhhh kino? What pizza toppings did her try to get nanora
>>37078070 Small correction, the reason capsaicin doesn't affect capsaicin is that their taste buds literally have no reaction to it. The flesh of peppers does contain some capsaicin, even though most of it is in the seeds. You're right it's for repelling mammals.
>>37079838 That's how it's often decided, at least! I know that some of the saplings' and kronies' food preferences drew from their divinities'.
>>37081526 >capsaicin doesn't affect capsaicin ASL?
Ass Second Language? You mean birbs right?
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>>37081700 CFL
Capsaicin First Language Yes, that's what I meant kek.
>>37081526 Awesome! I guess traditional /vnug/ cuisine has another dish that isn’t for everyone
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37081942 >>37081127 After reading this I keep thinking. The first thing you should do if you get pepper juice in your eye is flush it out with lukewarm gentle water. Its not glass like with Ollie.
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>>37081942 Kek, that's a good picture, I didn't have it.
Deadbeat gondolier piloting brrats and hoomans through the Dis cannals.
>>37085504 W-what's a Dis cannals...?
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>>37085806 The Venice-style canals webbed through the Deadbeat city of Dis! Very romantic.
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>tfw you make the king of dragons an architect in another project without thinking.
>>37081526 >>37082928 https://rentry.org/vtwbg-vnugbio#snow-pepper I wrote it! I’ll work on the culinary part of the main rentry later
>>37094284 Ohh, I'm pretty into peppers, but I wasn't familiar with that species. The basket looks very christmassy. What kind of pepper would you say it compares to, in terms of heat? The pepper it's based on seems to be between a chocolate habanero and a ghost pepper or thereabouts.
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>>37066692 Holy fucking shit this rate of chapters
good job
Spec bio bros, what are the specs for snake people that have sweat glands and a possible desert variant?
>>37049250 https://rentry.org/Im-Syndoneisch-Krieg Did a chapter between 3 and the former chapter IV, now releasing the real chapter IV. Enjoy.
>>37049250 https://rentry.org/vtwbg_risunaissance IT IS HERE! YAAYYY!!
panon, warsuner, meatfriends, any smart anons please help me fix some errors
I got some more to fill but im not confident about it right now...
>>37104953 Quedlingburger is a great word, nice pick.
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>>37105466 Thanks, well It is named after Marshal Quedlinburg himself, so I thought it was fitting kek.
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>>37105133 Neeeeeerrrddd!!
>>37104887 I assume they have human lv intelligence, so they'd most likely be homeotherms. Sweat glands are only really present in mammals that need to travel relatively long distances. And it really depends on how you imagine their lifestyle. Most snakes are ambush predators, so there isn't really a need for sweat glands. Plus snakes have scales that kind of block the sweat glands and hinder with the most important function of it which is thermoregulation. However they could produce some kind of mucus not unlike the hippos. It will be less effective than human or horse sweat but it would still help them with thermoregulation. I'm not that familiar with subspecies and how they vary between environments but first thing their scale colors would likely be different.
So I read
https://rentry.org/Melisende >The hot season had just begun - and for people living on this southern coast of the continent, the wind blowing from the depths of the land meant one thing: the strange people from the south would be coming. People including climate and weather stuff into their stories is always so much fun to see.
>Ch. 1 to 3 Chapters 1 to 3 are setup. Cant really say much about them, very standard. >Ch. 4 Oh boy, now we are getting into it. The description of the space in the beginning was well done. I dont know why, but I feel like the writing in general improves at and after this point. The previous chapters weren't badly written at all, but somehow the way this one was written felt really easy and pleasant to read, way more so than the previous 3 chapters. I liked Melisende's first interaction with Akira, and like her I was also fooled to think that the one doing the punching would have been the abbess. Good subversion of expectations here. >Ch. 5 to 6 "...the trick is not dying when I'm killed. " gave me chuckle. The entire scene at the Rychenbach manor ballroom was amazing. The descriptions and the flow worked really well, and kept me very immersed in the scene. Not many stories here have managed to get me into a similar flow-state of reading, but this one did. >Ch. 7 to 8 The interrogation scene was very good. The escape and confrontation with the deadbeat scenes were a lot of fun to read, and at times were really intense. The ending of the 8th chapter, damn. Amazing. Melisende is a badass. >Ch. 9 & Epilogue A Twist! Definitely did not see that coming. Had to have another anon explain it to me what was going on though as the ending didn't really explain it. I don't know whether this was intentional or the result of the problem that I mention below, but if it was intentional I gotta say that I do approve of this way of writing, even though I was not brainy enough to put the pieces together myself. Overall, it was a good story. I can see why it has garnered the reputation it has.
If I may give criticism, in some scenes it is quite difficult to decipher who is doing which actions
for example, at the beginning of ch. 9. Around what year does the story take place? I would like to place it somewhere on my mental timeline.
>>37106023 What are the biological advantages of having scales, my idea is of a kind of human snake hybrid so not every feature needs to be expressed. I think a few sub species or ethnicities that differ would work and the possibility of a partially scaled or scaleless race of saa worshippers is on the table. The aesthetic is what I really want to nail down, the hole serpentine aspect and all that
>>37109101 >What are the biological advantages of having scales Mainly protection, among other things, it's like a harder layer of keratin instead of skin, so you could have something like bits of skin having a slight overgrowth of cartilage or keratin, dunno how you can get there thought.
>>37109101 In regards to snakes scales are very important for protection. Humans have the agility that they can protect their bodies quickly by moving. A man-sized snake does not. Therefore scales on their backs are necessary to protect their blind spots if they get ambushed from behind. A lamia can have some agility with her arms and twisting spine for defense with an up-front confrontation. However lamia are most vulnerable when they turn around and slither away. So scales have to protect their backs.
>>37109453 Also, we tipically just shed skin naturally that ends up as dust, but with scales they'd have to specifically mould those parts instead.
Sweat could be a believable adaption to the scales, as normal snakes also have them with functions for moisture.
>>37109031 Thank you for reading my work! As much as I think there are other, better writers here, I still feel honoured to see others enjoying what I wrote.
>Ch. 1 to 3 You are not wrong in that observation since that is about the time I start seriously writing it. The first two chapters are basically polished greentext I wrote based on some talks about /meat/ conspiracy in /kfp/. It was around the end of chapter 3 that I realised it is not something I can easily finish quickly. >Ch. 5 to 6 I guess you can say I was indulging myself a little too much in that scene. Apparently the change in quality is quite noticeable if comfydant's feedback was of any indication. I was also trying to focus more on more intricate sensations and internal thoughts with that scene, since others told me that I was pretty bad at showing how my characters feel and think. For a while I toyed with the idea of presenting the possibility of Melisende actually dying there, but it would be ridiculous that a skilled detective would die somewhere named Rychenbach, eh? >Ch. 7 to 8 I did have a lot of fun writing the action scene. Originally my approach was meant to parody the Film Noir genre but I ended up liking how that approach worked it basically became my default. While Melisende resisting and besting the deadbeat was important to the plot, I suppose I also wanted to throw her a bone given all the crap she had gone through that night. >Ch. 9 & Epilogue The obfuscation was partly intentional, since there would be no fun in a mystery if everything was laid bare. Melisende's vocal deductions were supposed to be guides to let readers catch up to what had transpired but it was never the full picture. I did leave some details that were never pointed out in the story and some of you actually found out. That said, I do admit that the ending could be more refined. I think the confusion was a result of my not being very good at giving personal pronouns and descriptors varieties (the fact that most main characters are female did not help), and my persistent problem of not being very good at giving characters, well, characters, so they can blend together relatively easily.
As for the year, I do not really know, to be honest. It was written early enough that timeline was not really a thing back then, and everything was basically concurrent-ish (I think it was like ~1120 back in the vote?). I suppose it did not really matter that much as long as the elements at play (/meat/-/morig/ tension, /morig/-/kfp/ cooperation, and /kfp/-/meat/ under-the-table deals, and so forth) coincide.
>>37111012 We humans DO shed skin, all that dust in your room that you hate to clean up? An important part of it comes from the skin, it's a very important process that allows us to get rid of bacteria easily, animals with hardened skin (like scales) can't do that, so they have to shed it out in a lenghty process.
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>>37111653 (me)and that lenghty process is called moulting, generally.
>>37111012 Which begs the question, why don't (you) shed skin, huh?
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>>37111653 >You will never help your lamia gf shed out of her old skin then rub her body with lotion afterward. I miss /monster/.
>>37110794 what do you think of the FleshBone thaw that is being underway?
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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>>37105133 >reads the thing >its long and extensive, has many details, and is amazing Pic related ri2ner. You never disappoint. I will sex you one day
>>37111653 >>37110155 >>37110328 So it sounds like a mixture of scales along the back and active sweat glands would still work for a snake person but they'd have something like a seasonal moulting? Saa's lore mentions the desert alot and I've speculated on the possibility of a mythological kingdom that she mentions in her debut.
>>37105133 >every named member of tri-fleet thus far joined the guild are you okay with this OG? Enoch and Diana doesnt strike me as a 'renaissance nerd' type
>>37115222 Yeah, maybe, how much of them is going to be snake and how much is going to be human? Are they going to have legs?
>>37115651 My idea is for a mostly human appearance for the majority of the population with snake like eyes, forked tongue, and scales along the back being common traits. Slender builds for men and curvier builds for women.
Kind of unrelated but I also had the idea that the tribe would be ruled by the thickessst of the Morsel women and that specific genes could cause a hyper hip effect like Saa's wider model. Are there any ramifications of this that would be particularly detrimental, it could be waved away as a result of partial /ag/ alignment if needed but I'd rather not unless a concept depends on it.
>>37105133 >this shit Not a fan of the whole idea of the tri fleet joining this. It presumes they are the most important people in Risu. Kind of shits over Commodus too.
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>>37105133 How is their even witches in a city founded by the south?
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>>37115472 He's fine with it. He doesn't care about particulars and generally just wants to talk about sex.
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>>37105133 To me, this looks very good and promising. Good job!
>>37115222 I have a lamia character based on a western diamondback rattlesnake in another project. She gets most of her water through eating raw meat and eggs, but she also can squeeze water through tubers and cactus. Carrying alcoholic spirits is also common in her tribe as both medicine and a drink. Her tribe also uses mud baths, cool sand baths, and moisturizing creams to hydrate their skin. Even if lamias can't sweat like we do they have ways of cooling off. Even cloaks provide lamia protection from the sun during hotter days. Snakes also naturally cool off by hiding in underground burrows if its too hot.
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>>37105133 Neriah wasn't part of the tri-fleet, her visiting RR was a seperate expedition after the tri-fleet
>>37115985 Alright, that seems neat, you could probably add neat little details to the scales in the back, snakes in particular have a ton of special mutations in their scales
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>>37116182 it doesnt look like a political party. more of a talented gentlemens club forum that anyone can join
but hey, you prefer this or warsuner burning down half of the region with his persian larp?
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>OG never cares about in depth lore and only cooms over gems, magic and sex>ri2ner wishy washy rose tinted hippy who thinks she can turn unga bunga into muh wholesome chungus 100 modernism>warsuner tried to hijack risu lore into some megas-pilled age of empires larp
Aaaand there it is you retards really cant allow Risu reps have fun
>>37117727 Stop giving schizos attention nanora, if any of them had anything to say that actually mattered about risu, they'd post an ass or a picture of their oshi. It is established etiquette of a proper conversation.
I'm honestly starting to think that schizos aren't as much as an issue as everyone taking them so seriously nora.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
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>>37118580 >aren't as much as an issue as everyone taking them so seriously nora. Taking them seriously is this thread's culture at this point. Someone has to feed the poor guys.
>>37105133 Nice work, I love this energy of "best and brightest" kind of congregating in this new intellectual movement, it feels pretty natural for this kind of development to happen, and I can see how it would be conducive to a new political power in the country. I'm very interested in what their goals are going to be. If you need any help with Deadbeat stuff, let me know.
>>37110794 Hey anon, are you always lurking in the background? I start missing you when you don't pop up for a while kek.
>>37115985 Oh shit architect, the big snek plan is ago? I remember you mentioned it a while back. Being that wide would be detrimental for mobility, but queen termites have it way worse and make it work somehow.
>>37105133 Okay compared to warfaggot, this is not too bad. you actually did your reps despite being a total newfag.
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>>37105133 Very good! Looking forward to seeing more!
If you ever need help with or ideas for nasfaqg related stuff, hit me up.
>>37116522 >>37116613 There is a perplexing lack of snake bitches which I plan to fix, also, what type of scale variations and mutations have you heard of?
>>37119289 In terms of Saa's gigantic thighs, it would absolutely be a major problem if the majority of the population had that feature. I intend for the widest of these woman to make up the leaders of the different tribes and for the thickness to be paired with a genetic pattern along their thighs that causes a trance like hypnotic state when jiggled.
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>>37118580 It's literally just emma. Cunt pointed this out already.
>>37066692 hmm not sure if this is maybe due to it being put in after the fact but i feel that chapter 4 moves quite quickly and leaves lots of potential left behind. i feel that the talk of lüttwitz towards his officers would have been a great opportunity for some well build tension and character building for lüttwitz to deal with it, even more so with marschwitz afterwards and the potential fallout that lüttwitz would have had to deal with once he had to face hofacker and the pent up anger of his officers.
also since its clear that many officers will probably be stubborn mules. it might have been itneresting to see lüttwitz actually interact with his soldiers for once and give him some confirmation that his way is not completly wrong at all and maybe even introduce a character or two that show some eagerness and talent for future people that will join the ranks as supporters of lüttwitz.
that said however this feels like a way more interesting, and at least to me, natural development of things than the more haparzed jump that was there before and made this more interesting and also made some characters shien a bit more like giving hofacker some development even if little. it also feels like some nice tension for some critical kino in some do or die situation between the pride of the officers and lüttwitz as a person and his respect towards the regiment.
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>>37122745 Thanks Retro. I am taking your critiques well. They are extremely helpful.
>>37121816 Well the rattlesnake is from a magitek fantasy world. Take it as a grain of salt. So your snake people are full humanoids with legs? I thought about Tsuchinoko as chubby snakes.
>>37115985 ohh this remidns me i never reacted to this yesterday due to stuff but /lig/ger had some idea about different tribes for the chuubas united into a nation so you don't even need to make them some isolated cult but could have them play a bigger role for the nation overall.
>>37123836 >>37124052 Morsels aren't nagas though that doesn't exclude nagas from existing as potential creatures, in terms of the species Saa is categorized as an Eastern Indigo but glancing at the Tsuchinoko, I think having the name be a title for the wider hipped of the tribe would be appropriate given it's chunkiness.
I'd rather keep with a less important role given Saa's presence on the board is minor and Morsels tend to be very hush hush, extending a powerful presence in /lig/ overall doesn't seem like the move to make also due to the fact that I am both an architect and also writer for another nation nora, though in regards to the desert west of /lig/ I can certainly see the Glass Kingdom mentioned in Saa's debut being present.
I think the /ag/ goddess that would have a particular national presence would be someone like Mint or Milky since they're discussed far more and have more deliberate ties to the board.
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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Gentlemen? It is me at lunch break. I will be answering shit when I get home (4-5) hours as well as all day tomorrow. Oh and for the next 15 minutes before break is over.
>>37125885 my brain stopped comprehending what you said the moment you brought up mint and milky
i feel it is time that we sit together with /ag/ rep and bring some more life towards it.
>>37112388 Sounds good. I will see what you guys can do with it.
>>37119289 I actually post in every thread now that they last longer than a single day. I just do not feel like drawing attention to myself.
>>37126245 Outside of my Brosnan posting and the discussions on the true nature of architecture, I'm not quite sure if there was a /ag/ rep, though I think it should be open territory to write for since architecture is a popular belief all around.
I've begun to watch Milky when I can in order to better understand her as a chuuba so that she can accurately be placed in Vitubia. That model and voice arw so sex that I cannot watch her in the company of others for very long however.
>>37127152 there was one, i admit i don't see him much anymore but he did throw in some ideas every now.
i watch both mind and milky myself, if you dare write for them you better be ready to be judged harshly.
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>>37126869 >I actually post in every thread now that they last longer than a single day. I just do not feel like drawing attention to myself. Ah, nice! Knowing you're still a regular makes me happy.
>>37127287 I'm always prepared oomfie
>>37127466 you better be oomfie
>>37127466 >>37128100 What the fuck is an oomfie?
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>>37128372 Here you go oomfie
>Oomfie, Oomf, or, #oomf is an internet slang acronym meaning “one of my friends” or “one of my followers.” It is commonly used on Twitter as a hashtag in "subtweets," or tweets that subliminally address a specific person or group of people without directly mentioning them. Anonymous
>>37099457 I did my reps on how climate conditions affect pepper hotness but the result’s inconclusive so I think it’ll just vary a lot due to the breed and a side effect of being selectively bred to grow and ripen as quick as possible. The most common ones are probably somewhere around or above red savina but local farmers making use of specific local environment in small scale might be able to produce something much spicier though I imagine those to be more as herbs or resource than foodstuff
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
Seriously why is vnug boi so cute?
>>37133607 Show us your penis
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37130105 For me the reason why I say the peppers are small, at least in the wild, is because it takes a lot of water to grow big fruit. I think if you're domesticating peppers then you will selectively breed for the traits you want. Depending on how irrigation looks you might want smaller but potent peppers over big and less spicy ones. Also keep in mind you keep half of the seeds to grow and grind/press the other half into powder or oil. Speaking of recipes many pepper sauces use vinegars. Tabasco sauce is Tabasco pepper juice and vinegar.
Anyway back to biome research.
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>>37135641 That works too!
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37133715 Stop being horny, schizochama, go back to schizoposting, that's at least funny.
>>37136917 Nah mate, i want that tiny pp.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37137715 Sigh, even schizos are boring these days...
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37137929 What's your current lore project right now? If you mind a topic.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
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>>37139041 Figuring how to best spin this story so I can transfer Cass from /nasa/ to /rrat/ in case Lunaito decides to grow some balls and continues his conquest towards west after getting /hlgg/. After that i'mma get started on the main lore doc for /rrat/ probably.
Would anyone have suggestions if I were to put elves in /vnug/? I can’t promise anything but
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37140595 Dark skin mandatory. I shall hear no objections to this.
>>37140595 They should have big booba and white hair
>>37140595 They've gotta be thick, my good man, they've gotta be thick.
>>37140823 >>37140850 >>37141129 I guess since both Liora and Kokone agree that elves with dark skin and light hair look good it’s not the most unjustifiable lore although I’m not sure about the physique
Any other attributes though? One thing that has been bothering me when it comes to adding non-human species is that I don’t know how to make them truly non-human instead of just humans wearing props and hats
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
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>>37140595 Bottom line: you got your cutesy race with the palkyries, now you need your sex symbol race.
>>37141334 The thing about fantasy races is that they are usually not very realistic. How two very distinctive species can intermingle and produce reproductively viable offspring. I suggest limiting what they can do/achieve. There are already technically fantasy species like the Risuners which are basically demi-humans from isekais.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37141334 Well, one of the easiest ways to differentiate them from humans physically is digitigrade legs. Mess with the proportions of other parts as well, and you are done. That, and of course their culture and beliefs. Saplings can probably help you with that, they are the ones with the most out there race so far.
>>37141334 For elves, their longevity and affinity to magic is the stereotypical divider between them and humanity, alot of isekai and anime media tend to ignore this to make elves more relatable to human protagonists and the audience but if you emphasize those traits you can distinguish them very quickly.
If you have a particular idea or trait you want and it's unique, you can expand on it in order to create a concept that aligns with your nation.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
Speaking of fantasy races, rratbro, how do we feel about making brrats just straight up big rats? Like, human intelligence and all that, but just tiny little things, maybe a 2 feet big?
>>37141889 This motherfucker is bringing skaven into our setting nanora. Now we HAVE to invade him.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
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>>37142127 Well yes, I said multiple times our schizos are basically skaven. And guess what I put under our capital? Catacombs the size of a small country that can hide many secrets~
>>37141573 It wouldn’t really be the first fantasy species in /vnug/ at any rate… I think rather than realism I’m more concerned about how to make them unique especially when it comes to common fantasy beings like elves
I guess maybe I should also work on fleshing out Palkies too
>>37141647 >digitigrade legs That wasn’t really what I expected when designing elves but maybe that’s my blindspot
>culture and beliefs Personally I don’t want to make them too tied to the species itself unless those elements are intrinsically connected to their attributes since I imagine they have a way of spreading across boundaries
>>37141822 On one hand I’m not completely sure about going for the stereotype but on the other hand I guess elf itself is a stereotype so it’s weird to draw the line there instead of here. I think /vnug/’s magic might lend to elves potentially being better at it since elves seem to often be depicted as being more dexterous and capable of controlling their body
>>37141647 >digitigrade legs I see what you did there
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37142370 See
>>37142515 you already have wirebugs, might as well go balls to the walls and have wyverians as well.
>>37142515 >>37143257 I guess given how much influence monhun has on /vnug/ already I might as well go all-in. It helps that both Liora and Kokone are monhun veterans. I don’t know if I want to copy the 4-finger arrangement too both because I kinda intend them to be a human variant (can Wyverians interbreed with other humanoids? I don’t remember it being mentioned in the games) and having fewer fingers would logically limit their ability to play many stringed instruments
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37144529 The MAN in Monster Hunter 4 was half Wyverian I think.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37144529 >Wyverians interbreed with other humanoids? Iirc Rathalos would have more of a chance than a human, since they are supposed to be descendants of elder dragons or some shit. But, like everything else, wyverians can just be an inspiration, you can tweak and change them as much as you want.
>>37145080 I don’t think he’s a half-Wyverian even though he’s plantigrade. I think it was back before Capcom fully commit to Wyverians’ portrayal in games
>>37145154 I kinda doubt that but I suppose it’s one of those questions that we’re not supposed to know the answer to… in any case I’ll do more reps on the design and see if the threads are fine with it
>>37145851 Writing a proper elf is tricky. They're suppose to be these immortal long living creatures but often times they're tree sluts in anime. Elves do live long but they're slow to age, slow to breed, and slow to evolve. They're also stubborn assholes who think their way is the only way because they live longer than you.
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37145851 >breeding with wyverns ACTUAL SEX!?
>>37141334 if you create a form of dark skinned(for absorbing rare sunlight in these latitudes), with white hair(to reflect light of places where it is less needed on the body towards the skin), i would advise to have them store a certain amount of fat to survive the winter better, the body prefers to stock life-garantueeing fat in the chest area, tummy are and thigh area to safeguard the more important parts of the body where organs are for example.
>>37146147 I don’t think I’ll follow the anime stereotype too closely even if I end up just making them elves. I kinda prefer (1) to be at least somewhat original and (2) not have /vnug/’s portrayal in this world being filled with terrible people. I don’t think that’s a necessary criterion for elves to be considered elves to begin with given the reasoning behind the OG fantasy elves
>>37146213 They can’t reproduce asexually so that’s required to propagate the species so…
Here it would most likely be a human variant so they won’t breed with wyverns. They might be able to interbreed with humans or other human variants but I need to sleep on that
>>37146628 I think I know what you want to do there… I’ll take notes for reference
>>37146840 for society, you could invert expectations a bit by giving the dark skinned elves a strong maternal drive where they love to take care of children, even of other races and help them grow up and teach them instead of them being arrogant people looking down on humans or sex sluts.
>>37147107 (me)like maybe each village has like some local members of the dark skinned elves and local woman that cannot do jobs for example elderly etc. take care of all the children in the village while the adults all go about their jobs since more hands might be needed in such a snowy area to help survive. this kind of behaviour actually was common in quite a few societies in our past too.
you could even have the female dark skinned elves natural evolve over the time into this role and have them naturally lactacte a bit even without a child of their own for their motherly roles.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37146840 >I think I know what you want to do there You opened the floodgates and by God, you will be our vessel through which we manifest thick choco elves!
>>37147107 >>37147426 Personal preference aside, I think that would make the most sense (compared with the alternative) especially if we go with the idea of them having a low birth rate. If you’re only reproducing once in a blue moon you might as well invest as much resource and care into the offspring while you’re at it
>>37147464 I’m aware of that and it’s not like Liora and Kokone aren’t into dark-skinned, light-haired elves anyway (although at least Liora prefers flat characters)
I’m doing my reps on digitigrade legs and it seems they might line up well with some of your preferences… I also wonder how half-elves in this design would look since it would be weird not to have half-elves when Lofi herself is one
>>37147464 this is not about fetish stuff.
darker skin actually does help with absorbing light in these latitudes, look at inuit, they too are of a darker skin color. for that reason i would almost advise vnugbro to consider his whole nation to be of a drk skinned type.
having reserves of fat in thei rbody is also beneficial for both isolating th ebody for heat as well as giving nourishment for days of snowstorms where you cannot go out and about.
as for the dark elves, giving them a maternal role on the villages and cities would not only subvert expectations but also give them an interesting as well as important role as a backbone in /vnug/ culture while not making them oppressively in the fornt of anything or forcing them to be some weird outsider role with their own tribe away from the rest.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37147861 >line up well with some of your preferences Whoa whoa whoa buddy, I think you misunderstand. The whole digitigrade thing was put forward purely because of the wyverians. I am not a footfag, thank you very much.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37147940 >this is not about fetish stuff. Explain the following then.
>have them naturally lactacte a bit even without a child of their own for their motherly roles. Anonymous
>>37146840 There's also Tolken's elves that started the stereotype of high and mighty elves. In Tolken's work elves were gods. Norse mythology also had elves as evil creatures. Could pull inspiration from wyverians from Monster Hunter. After the fall of civilization Wyverians established the Hunter's guild and taught humans the way of the hunter.
Anime stereotypes aside I think you should look into the history of /vnug/ and see what kind of people will evolve from the climate. Having longevity means nothing if your people cannot survive the climate.
>>37148156 it only makes sense for female dark elves that have adopted to a strong maternal role and taking care of children of the other races to be able to provide them with much needed nourishment in lew of their actual mothers while those are away. its called wet-nurse and is a very common thing even in todays society.
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>>37147861 You should look up orangutans. Orangutans have the second longest childhood in primates next to humans. Orangutans are also the best tool users of the apes. If elves live longer and are expected to be more intelligent than humans then longer childhoods is expected. In DnD 3.5 elves became mature adults at 212 years old. A mature human adult was 17 years old. A Dwarf adult was 40.
>>37148074 What? No, that wasn’t what I meant… in any case I won’t really fetishize them for the sake of it
>>37148177 Yes but the stereotype of elves as a whole being stuck-up snobs and generally terrible people isn’t really started by Tolkien from what I can tell, and a whole species of stuck-up snobs aren’t what I’m aiming for anyway given how the people are supposed to represent /vnug/’s population
>>37148698 honestly i am just happy to do some little, if silly, brain storming with you
your stuff been impressive every time i read it and you are a nice person but it all is usually so advanced that i am not quite fully udnerstanding all you and 3beat say at times and cannot really add annything to it.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37148382 I know about wetnurses, yes. The thing is, it was usually done by women that have recently given birth, as lactation is not all that common outside of that, being triggered by hormones released during pregnancy and all that.
>>37148698 Ah ok, just making sure we are on the same page here. And don't worry, you just build them dark and thick, we'll take care of the fetishizing part kek.
Nah but for real, build them however you want, don't feel pressured by our banter. Anonymous
>>37148698 What if they're just a proud people? They're in tune with nature and are happy to live that way? They don't have to be boastful or arrogant to be proud. They're sure of their wisdom thanks to life experience and gladly share it with visitors and friends.
>>37149161 i will admit my suggestion to have them be plump might have had some ulterior motives behind them but the maternal thing really was a serious and in my eyes interesting suggestion
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>>37149345 Just... shut... The fuck... Up!
Producing milk costs calories.
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
>>37149477 This thread has been nothing bil ulterior motives since vnugget posted that question. But I do agree, it is an interesting suggestion, if teetering on the edge of fetish territory. It has basis in reality, and considering we are spec bio-ing them anyway, a hormonal response like that could be something they naturally evolved.
Ban Bread Dog from lore discussion until he finishes the climate analysis.
>>37149144 Thank you, I really appreciate it! I’ll keep that in mind and make my writing less obscure in the future
>>37149161 Alright… dark skin and light hair are probably the general phenotypes given that that’s what Liora & Kokone prefers as well, and digitigrade legs might require more muscle and tendon for the resting posture (at least for something sufficiently similar to humans) so the other criterion should be satisfied too if how we humans look when we wear high heels is of any indication
>>37147940 That works too and I think it’s actually closer to the original roots of fantasy elves in a good way! I’m not completely sure about the skin tone’s justification in that regard since not all polar people have dark skin (Sami people being the most prominent exception) though
>>37149345 Are we particularly proud people anyway? /vnug/’s magic lends itself to a more obvious need to preserve nature but I think that’s probably as far as my idea of /vnug/ elves being in tune with nature goes since to be completely honest, I’m not really a big fan of that trope at least in the way it’s commonly portrayed
Cunt !.Q010oIZDo
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>>37150623 Oh shit, wannabe janny? How you going mate, missed you the last couple of months!
>>37150697 Well people in tune with nature is a good common trope. The Chozo in Metroid Prime is a good example of highly evolved beings who became in tune with their homeworld. At least before phazon corrupted them. A bad elf trope is bratty elves that deserve slavery and rape correction. Elves should take care of the land and the animals. They have the long life experience and foresight to enjoy nature's bounty. Not saying they should be hippies about it. But nature can be comfy if you know how to take care of it.
>>37150406 that just means they need to eat more, also since they would be staying back in the village they would not expend calories doing hard labor
>>37150565 while the lactating bit might seem fetish oriented i genuinely suggested it because i was thinking of wet-nurses and it jsut made sense to me.
>>37150697 nah its fine, when you talk with 3beat you guys usually go in great details about stuff you guys love, i would not want you to dumb down your talk with each other for including me, and also we are having a discourse right now^^
also glad the maternal elf idea is to your liking and was of use.
>>37150994 I don’t like either of the tropes personally. I’m not saying they need to go full orc and turn everywhere they live into an industrial wasteland but still
>>37151226 Don’t worry about that. Making my points and flow of logic clear and understandable by others is probably a good habit when it comes to discussions anyway!
I also watched her VtM:B VOD, it’s great! Anonymous
>>37151452 So what's your vision for an elf village then?
why are you kinkshaming vnug rep for anyways? risu does orgies all the time and youre okay with that
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>>37151452 [spoilerif you ever miss a stream you can always check her newbie news for a quick recap of stream:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLOQZHJdObI [/spoiler:lit]
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>>37153061 Who is kinkshaming who here? Wrong thread schizochama?
>Founder wrote a story about jannies >We now have a janny identity leak drama THE MEME MAGIC! THE MEME MAGIC IS REAL!
>>37153307 >We now have a janny identity leak drama Elaborate.
>>37153736 Anon, this doesn't prove anything
shit like
>>37091260 also happened.
this is meaningless, especially with how fucking inconsistent moderation already is
>>37151672 https://rentry.org/vtwbg-vnuglore#architecture In the context of /vnug/ I actually wrote about it a while ago! I don’t know if digitigrades would have more trouble climbing trees or not but even then some kinda stairs or ladder should solve that issue
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>>37154881 user was banned red texts is just a janny trying to be le funny for the epik screeencaps remember.
dont you remember the saplings being banned with (user was forcefeed meds for this post)
all for fame
because why delete a thread and keep it under the rug, when you can announce it to everyone and stroke your ego
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37155004 Sorry about late response. I had a network outage. Could have the feet be like bird feet with gripping toes. Though without wings you need walking legs.
>>37141889 Oh, changed your mind on making the brrats humans with rat-like accessories? Nice. Being smaller would help with the subterranean lifestyle. Also, flexible rat thoracic cages are great for spelunking.
>>37151452 >wake up >we finally have brown elves Yay! I thought I'd have to wait until we got a bakatare rep to get them.
Fun fact, a reason some polar populations have darker skin is because of the snow, surprisingly enough. In most regions, the ground is dark, and the sky is bright. But in place with a shit ton of snow, a big fraction of the sunlight is reflected from the ground instead of being absorbed, which results in people there being actually exposed to more sunlight than people living in temperate regions.
I think I already mentioned my "Getting a sunburn in my nostrils on a glacier" anecdote, kek.
High protein diets are also supposed to have a correlation with higher melanin content, but I don't know what's the mechanism behind that.
>>37155172 Welcome back!
I think if the elves’ foot are otherwise similar to humans then their toes should be similarly good at gripping at things but I don’t know if that would help climbing trees a lot. My main concern’s that digitigrade legs don’t seem to be as flexible and stable compared with plantigrade legs. They’re probably not going to be as good climbers as Palkyries either way but I was wondering if that would prevent them from making use of tree houses entirely
Speaking of which I probably should think about how the traits pass down in the case of interbreeding. Someone with Palkyrie tail and digitigrade legs sounds like a kangaroo
>>37155174 I’ve been thinking about elves for a while due to Lofi’s lore but I couldn’t figure out a good way to incorporate that. Liora & Kokone’s preference happened to line up with this thread’s edition so I decided I might as well ask for some suggestions here
As for the skin tone I’m mostly curious about why it isn’t more universal among polar people if it helps but then again doing my reps on leg structure reminds me that evolution doesn’t always produce the optimal result. I wonder if living in taiga where there are a lot of dark trees and cover makes that selective pressure different from living in tundra where there are not. That leads to me thinking if the elves evolved to have digitigrades because they have been walking longer than humans and lived in the treeless tundra back then. Maybe some kind of mammoth steppe during the last ice age? Not sure if that’s far back enough for evolution to work especially if we also go with a longer breeding cycle
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
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>>37155576 Ladders, stairs, and rope elevators can help them get around.
>>37155174 >High protein diets are also supposed to have a correlation with higher melanin content, but I don't know what's the mechanism behind that. It's due to vitamin D, the Inuit take a large portion of their vitamin D from the oily fish and seals they eat, so their skin could remain with high melanin content to protect against the sunlight, and whenever the dark winter settled in it wouldn't affect them too much either, or so I've read, need more reps.
Still, there's plenty of fair skinned Inuit too, they're not all as dark skinned as popular perception would portray.
>>37155576 >As for the skin tone I’m mostly curious about why it isn’t more universal among polar people Oh, that's an interesting question! Hmm, this is only educated conjecture, but my guess would be that, for example, the Thule people who would become Inuits could have had a phenotype that tanned more easily (they came from the russian far-east, so they're distantly related to steppe people), while the Sami had more genetic material from paler-skinned europeans. Both the Inuits and Sami moved to where they are currently fairly recently, from an evolution standpoint, so you could also theorize the Thule already were adapted to summer snow sunlight from living in Northern Russia for a long time, while the Sami are relatively "newer" to the Arctic circle. Apparently they got pushed farther North by the rise of Vikings, as well.
With digitigrade feet, I think the point of divergence between the elves and humans would have to be quite far back, millions instead of thousands of years back like the last ice age would be. But justifying them with an adaptation to a steppe lifestyle checks out. Maybe they used to live mostly in the tundra (explaining the dark skin and feet), but their populations got displaced towards the forests by the more quickly reproducing Palkyries? That would also parallel but invert the Sami and Vikings' dynamic in a neat way, too.
>>37155690 Oooh, interesting, thank you.
>pointy ears >digitigrade legs >lives in the wilderness >potentially dangerous ambush hunters based on digitigrade legs’ strength >plays music >could be helpful but might also be prone to mischief if Lofi’s personality is anything to go by I’m starting to think I’m no longer basing them off elves but a different kind of mythical humanoid
>>37156247 what, a satyr or something?
>>37156165 The issue I have with that idea (beside them potentially being a relatively recent and artificial species) is that Palkyries are much better suited for living in the forest in terms of physiology so they would be driving the elves out of the forest into the tundra instead of the other way around. I think it’s more likely that the elves ended up in /vnug/’s forest is caused by the end of the ice age causing the mammoth tundra to shrink with rising sea levels and the spread of trees. Their range probably got compressed further because of humans spreading from the tropics outbreeding them and maybe better at conventional fighting due to their stabler stance
I agree the Sami-Nose parallel would be cool though!
>>37156298 That or faun although they’ve pretty much merged into something similar. Maybe the reason why popular elves are stereotypical’s because changing them too much push them to be considered different fantasy being instead
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Vnug how close is this to your mental image of your forest elf?
Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
>>37161492 You better swear your midget ass you keep the gravy train going! Strike iron while it's hot! We're in a once in a lifetime opportunity to hit the meme magic motherlode!
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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>>37161492 >>37161662 I am doubtful of this method however this black magic has proven effective before.
With his true name revealed through custodian hubris and his seanigger revealed in a declaration writ red in the blood of an indog, a weapon capable of putting the scourge to rest can be forged but it should be sanctified and blessed in blood. Blessed in the blood of the rabbit.
A ritual of quads, quadruple sacrifices in reverence of the four great lost lands. The blessed land of wealth in flesh /ag/, the holy land of elves in dress /become/, the dwellers of the filth and waste /ringo/, and those of a peculiar taste /meat/.
>my day off >no gentlemen is it dead hours right now?
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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>>37168071 If you've got the time to complain, you've got the time to start a discussion nanora!
>>37169391 How is boobposting to derail schizo incursions represented in-universe?
>>37168804 OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37169658 I read that as "boopposting".
>>37157691 Oh, true! Yeah, then the forests growing around them would be more logical.
>>37171154 That sounds a lot cuter.
>>37163529 >>37171298 Good morning!
So I did a bit of rep on how digitigrade legs work (so many furry arts…) and this is what I have in mind
>/vnug/ elves are a human variant that first lived in the vast mammoth steppes during cold periods of the world >the lack of woodland led to them adopting semi-digitigrade locomotion more suitable for sprinting >their feet and lower leg are slightly longer (although likely not very obvious) and their lower body muscle and tendon lengths also differ >the result is their normal standing posture has slightly bent legs even when standing upright >they can force their legs completely straight but it’s as comfortable as humans trying to tiptoe >in terms of weight, they’re a bit less dense than humans, and their balls of the foot and toes have a more developed fat pad (but not full-on paws) to mitigate the increased ground pressure >a harmless form of tarsal coalition is the default for them, with adult feet often having simplified feet bone structure with more tendons and ligaments and less muscle compared with humans >their pelvis is somewhat narrower than humans, which leads to a slower breeding cycle as extra effort is required to give birth with a reasonable survival rate, and strong selective pressure towards providing more care to a smaller number of offspring >although their rear still looks wider than humans due to wider thigh muscles and layer of fat around them, forming a smooth silhouette (compared with “chicken legs” digitigrade portrayal) >their longer legs mean they’re theoretically taller than average humans, but their bent legs mean they usually look shorter when standing “upright” >their stance is not as stable as plantigrade human, and their walk cycle sees more movement across the body >semi-digitigrade locomotion is more effective at running, and their slightly lengthier stride means they can run faster than humans, although not superhumanly so >the increased need to maintain balance led to them having finer control over their body’s muscles, which also has the side effect of increasing their dexterity and finesse, even in seemingly unrelated actions like hand movement and vocalization >their walking, sitting, and standing postures are slightly different from humans, significant enough to be spotted by trained eyes but can otherwise pass as humans with strange postures (similar to how humans move when wearing high heels) >they’re still sufficiently similar to humans to allow for interbreeding with varying degrees of success >the end of the last ice age leads to the decline of mammoth steppe as sea levels rose and forests expanded >elves were at a disadvantage against human expansion due to their lower reproduction rate and stability when brawling >they were soon driven out from the more temperate climate zones and took refuge in /vnug/’s boreal forest and alpine tundra >nowadays they formed a significant portion of /vnug/’s population, especially among Penelites and Remlins due to their physiology fitting /vnug/’s magic well >Elven footwear is similar to human high heels both with or without heels, with traditional designs having a larger and softer sole to further mitigate pressure I think this covers pretty much all the major points covered in the discussion yesterday. Tell me if I’m missing anything! I’ll check between work
Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
https://rentry.org/vtwbg-meatreturn#salvation i dedicate this story to Kyusai-chan. it may had been overdue. but thank you.
>>37171459 All put together, nice. They'd probably be able to give pretty fearsome kicks with that stronger ankle joint, as well as a higher jump. If they evolved to walk around on the tundra, their feet's fat pad would also have the function to isolate their body from the cold of the frozen ground, ice or snow. Do they have claws in a significant manner? That would give them surer footing on slippery terrain, and make their kicks even more dangerous.
>>37172004 Kyusai deiphagy! At long last! The greatest sacrifice, for the love of her people... Admirable...
Loved the description of the reaction abroad. Anger, then organization.
>>37172004 Kyusai! I can't believe you managed to make our joke into an actual lore.
I'm impressed at the details you went with the steps taken to form a government in-exile. Using the spy network as the foundation was a great idea.
Also, callback to Climate anon's Rushia sacrifice story is kino!
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Just skeptical on one thing. You managed to organise a government in-exile quickly and the exile itself was just two(?) years. That did not felt high stakes. I can understand the organisation and coordination was made but the answer came in a deus ex machina (Kyusai answering our calls).
So it fel a bit rushed? Sorry.
Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
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>>37172760 >managed to organise a government in-exile quickly and the exile itself was just two(?) years >deus ex machina yeah i felt that part kinda made all the efforts pointless...
hold on i'll extend the exile time period
>>37172234 kyusai deiphagy is long overdue. we keep talking about eating other gods but we also have to do ours
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37171459 jesus fucking christ vnug boi. are you tired of doing so much or are you just full of autism power?
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>>37169658 This aint a discussion starter at all nanora! Do your thinking reps and make a proper discussion prompt!
>>37170466 Nanohodo, the Candy Kingdom would probably be enriched by something like that but it needs more lords and ladies first nora. I don't much like cataloging things on timelines though, too many temporal peculiarities to look out for, it's not a feat for me.
Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
there! now it's six years in exile. plus i expanded on civilian life of non matiyotl /meat/head cults and expats living abroad
Any ideas on the way that Saa's pre-existing lore can be interpreted or used for her concept? She doesn't mention it very frequently but there's lots to build off of since she's left it considerably vauge, the wiki tends to butcher alot of it though.
https://youtu.be/HnFkb7ZDfao https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Saa Anonymous
>>37173641 >Exile extended to six years I felt that. I am now in pain just as our oishis.
Just one more question. If /meat/ is already back by chapter 3, what's the final chapter?
>>37158298 I am completely open to being down bad for thick ass twinks, why would I hide being a footfag at this point?
>>37171459 Good writeup, nice and detailed as always. Think you encapsulated everything from the last discussion perfectly.
>>37174061 /meat/ getting exiled again... Your Secretary-General !kt219LjBow
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>>37174061 >>37174120 SHUSH! No leaks!
>>37173879 sure! official chuuba lore is their myth and heavenly realm story
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>>37174120 >more exiles the jews of vitubia
>>37174120 Twinks are far more acceptable than feet and you know it, you only dig your hole deeper foot feaster. Everyone knows that all Sanalites are foot fags deep down. Once and always nora.
>>37174819 Sigh, if you choose to believe this in the end, whatever. You do you, little pink pedo.
>>37174979 Ah, do not fret rat man. If you were a toe sucker, it'd be tucked down deep within your subconscious, never to be exposed nanora. I'll bulli no more.
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>>37178306 says the guy who posted his own doxx
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
So are we world building or not?
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>>37181030 Depends, what are you in the hankering to worldbuild about nanora? You can't just call out and expect worldbuilders to come out of the woodwork to fill the thread up.
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37049250 rentry.org/dezmy I did a thing. Need to edit it a bit though
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37181478 Ah yes. I need to edit the armor section and add a few political things. Well I guess I'll do that now
>>37181674 >Tanah Kala Risuner skid row?
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37181806 Think of the dark zone from the division ( did anyone play that game)? It's lawless with a lot of loot and cool shit but you risk being killed/enslaved and all the bad shit.
>>37182071 >did anyone play that game Naaaaaa.
Can I compare it to Nostromo or maybe like the risuner version of Brazil? I actually really like the stereotypical "oh this place is a fucking shithole" location. The idea of a risuner crime lord is pretty interesting nora.
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37182432 In game it's the zone where police say "fuck that and everyone in it your on your own" and acts as the pvp area. So literally a no law zone where it's truly survival of the fittest. You could either come out super rich and full of amazing shit or never come out because your being used as a hole for some warlord or gang.
>>37182657 Hmm nanohodo, I kinda wanna hear more about Tanah Kala since it makes alot of sense for there to be a drug trade running through risu given the many connections and deals you guys have. Honestly, that would be REALLY profitable and could get someone on nut paladin status unless the nut paladins act as a literal irs and all nuts must be accounted for to prevent some asshole from just shanking a guy, taking his nuts, and getting the bj.
The Hickorypuffs could also use that as a partial trade route to avoid authorities by sending Hickorynaitos in disguised as knights of virtue in order to sell their moonshine
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37182921 There would be drugs, prostitutes, slave trades, pretty much everything imaginable. It's a place not even the paladins want to fuck with. Only the brave and stupid try to go in and get stuff. And when the nut tribute happens, there is a FUCK LOAD of soldiers in all the cities in addition to the paladins so yeah no sneaky bullshit like that. The killer would just be executed kek.
>>37183483 Hmm, so does Tanah Kala just get ignored during Nonstop Nut November since they ABSOLUTELY do that shit to get their big nuts or do they never participate since it would make them vulnerable outside of the shithole that is Tanah Kala?
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37183838 They don't participate. Anyone who would venture out during the month would be stopped by the paladins/army and whatever nuts they have would simply go to risu. Any good shit that are not nuts would just be distributed among the soldiers assuming it's legal. Note that during any other time of the year that escapees are allowed to escape.
>>37183962 This would be a really cool place to flesh out once the nut paladins are done, squirrel roanapur is chock full of interesting shit.
Naaaa, /risu/ really does get discussed the most more than any other nation and it's been getting the coolest shit. What's your secret tree nigger?
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37184389 WARsuner helped out a lot. I post every day and have creative ideas of my own. Ri2ner is peak badass and cool. Risuners cant stop winning.
>>37184801 >risuners cant stop winning It's why we need to constantly point out flaws in your system nanora, you must be nerfed or you unga bungas will fuck the world into oblivion.
Also, would a luknight musketeer and a nut paladin tag team be able to work as a crime fighting duo in Squirrel Roanapur or would they immediately be caught and made into sex slaves like that one loli box hentai? What's the percentage depending on the skill level?
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
I ate my first guava today. Its said that guavas saved Gallapagos tortoises from extinction. Its a very tart fruit with some sweetness. I wouldn't eat more than two fruits a day. I do feel better. I should look up more exotic fruits. Knowing where wild fruits grow naturally should help. I should look up monsoon rice farming.
>>37184389 Speaking of lore, when you gonna write anything for candy kingdom? You've been lazing around more than me lately.
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37185318 I think those 2 together would do just fine as long as they don't encounter a massive army. The skill level is not meant for your average person but a paladin would do reasonably well.
>>37185616 Eh? I discuss the Candy Kingdom's internal politics tons and tons nora. I need a sufficient platform to codify something and me and Artic have been trying our hands at foreign diplomacy nanora, you just haven't been paying attention nanora
>>37185776 So basically, all you've been doing is talking about writing lore without ever actually opening up a rentry. Kinda like me.
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>>37185896 Lore discussion is actually better for the thread than sporadic lore dumps, it keeps the thread active and moving and tends to stop timeloops for entries that might rattle the power balance nanora. You were also with mountain in terms of going through the archives and scratching lore docs that were hastily put together and thrown in with 0 outside input nanora.
Also, I read tons of lore nora. I just don't have much thought on it outside of a pleasant acknowledgement that it exists or pointing out something that I don't like.
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37185896 >>37185776 I use OpenOffice. Its a poor man's Microsoft Office without the text scanning. Open Office is made by Oracle. Its not too bad as an alternative.
>>37186256 ...naa?
>>37185494 Also, good to hear. I thought the Gallapagos tortoises were already extinct? Did the guava save them through some kind of special means or were they like koala's and relied on it for their diet?
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
>>37186324 I prefer writing my stuff on local files than an open Rentry. That way I have the file saved in case something happens to the Rentry.
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>>37186499 Oh wait, you thought I meant program when I said platform. I meant that I like to have lots and lots of discussed ideas to build from before I actually end up putting something down on paper usually. Though I do have a bad tendency of writing something and then having that thing be reduced to nothing because I hit the wrong button without saving.
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Thanks for the feedback!
>>37172234 True! Digitigrade legs are more efficient in terms of proper kicks and jumps so the elves would benefit from that. I think their leg movement range’s a bit more limited than its plantigrade counterpart but I can’t find a lot of details on it, although kicks in martial arts (taekwondo comes to mind fittingly enough) should still work very well. The fat pads also help with insulation from frozen ground (and is something commonly seen in arctic adaptation IIRC) although the main benefit would be to alleviate stress to the foot since digitigrade locomotion’s basically like walking and running on high heels but even more extreme since no weight will be distributed on the heel at all
As for claws, I don’t think they would likely have them naturally due to them still being closely related to hairless apes that lost their subunguis very early on, and nails are not very good at withstanding force and pressure like that. If they need surer footing I think they would have more keratinized balls of the foot (making them more like paws) instead. That said them being sapient means they aren’t limited to what they’re born with, so you definitely won’t want to get kicked by an elf wearing track spikes
>>37173037 Having an interest in spec bio keeps my motivation high, but what also helps a lot is unironically the existence of furries. Their own reps help a lot in letting me know how bipedal digitigrade legs would work and look! Other sources of inspiration include running blades (although they’re less limited by human physiology and so can have a more efficient design – it’s fascinating to read about the troubles they have with regulations when it comes to competing with athletes with organic legs) and sprinting techniques where touching the ground with heels is avoided
but yes autism helps >>37174120 I’m glad to hear you like it!
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
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>>37186324 Some Gallapagos tortoise species are extinct. The story goes that tortoises on the main islands lost a lot of grazing ground when settlers chopped down the trees and tilled the fields. One of the fruits native to Gallapagos is guava. Humans really like to eat the native guava. So we learned to farm guava. It turns out guavas are tortoises' favorite fruit with lots of dense nutrition for growth. And with more guava around tortoises grew bigger, lived longer, and laid more eggs. That and with human conservation efforts tortoises are doing very well.
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>>37049250 Please remove the OriginMyth and FourLords rentries from /rrat/ for the time being. Imma go back to the drawing board with them, and would rather have them pulled out of the archive for now, in case any other brrats came along and wanted to work off of their foundation.
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>>37185690 Also, is this criminal town on the risuner map or was it just a split second add?
On the climate issue I don't think we should change it according to the corrected projections until the saplings are here and also agree to it. Especially since any magic stuff they want to do in the case that they want to preserve the oceanic climate would affect parts of /who/ too. So should we proceed as the 2nd version (current) of the climate map dictates? There should be some kind of magic stuff we can do to keep the overall climate of the North Western continent right?
>>37192531 or just a warmer planet in general
>>37192624 A little reluctant to do that since that would affect literally everyone. Unless the projection means that it ends up being very minor. Otherwise some sort of local phenomenon would be better.
>>37192726 both global warming and differing projection affect polar regions disproportionally so they should cancel out each other reasonably well
>>37192624 >>37192891 please no, we put climate chads through too much with our petty desires.
Also I can't be certain but I don't think Global Warming works that way nanora.
>>37193348 >we put climate chads through too much with our petty desires feels like using local magic phenomena to change the climates would bother them more desu
>I don't think Global Warming works that way nanora greenhouse effect makes a planet more evenly warm, so colder parts of the planet would be more affected than the warmer parts
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Dragoon post your cock
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
NO CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>37193922 How is this even a constructive take on this?
>>37194017 To keep it brief: I do not think this is a good idea at all as many anons have worked hard with economic rentries that would be impacted by this and I am totally against a decision made without a vote on such a magnitude. Please keep others in mind!!!!!!
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>>37194140 Why didnt you say this in the first place? Did you need to be rude?
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>>37193922 >>37194140 I dont think this impacts anything for you or anons economics. Besides, it sort of is the correct climate anyways and I am baffled that this is an issue for your nation with its magic climate. Do you oppose things just to oppose them?
>>37193613 >colder parts of the planet would be more affected than the warmer parts I can get that but wouldn't that still change some climates that everyone has been pretty comfortable with nanora? I think magic is a more fitting solution since it can ultimately be waved away as "magic" that doesn't have a greater global affect.
Actually I think the most fitting solution would be to work with what we've got or to invade lands that have more favorable climates but I feel like people are adverse to that.
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>>37193922 Stop being a fucking bitch.
>>37192531 Eh, I disagree, ultimately the world should make sense as a whole, and the things that the saplings have to change are overall not that much.
If having our climate be different (oceanic instead of what we have now) is what's needed for the world to make sense, then it is something that we simply must deal with.
I dislike the idea of having to use magic to change the world instead of dealing with the changes accordingly and organically.
Could you faggots stfu about “rudeness” that doesnt exist. Its a fair take.>inb4 panon alice bs Idc.
>>37194493 it's bait from the same schizo as always, so react accordingly.
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>>37194361 if people keep using magic to change their climate to something they prefer then is there even a point in having a global climate in the first place though
>>37194543 Its after the bump limit and someone once in a while needs to tell them to stfu. I understand your sentiment but i’m tired of some well respected writers getting shit on without any visible support. If it makes me look bad, so be it.
World Exploring Sanalite !BhGStmx/vE
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If climate change exists then it should happen slowly over time. I'd say give it a century before we start seeing real climate change. Especially after the industrial revolution.
>>37194433 I'm not saying we should do it but rather the saplings might want to do it. And before they show up again and make a decision on it I don't think we (well mostly me) can decide on whether or not to follow the revised climate taking into account the corrected projection.
But I do agree that the climate should be consistent, unless it's caused by chuubanite effects that are inherent to that chuubanite's core concept.
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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>>37195130 Saplings left a while ago. I miss them...
>>37195130 Please keep in mind other writers, not just your neighbors!!!!! We cannot just change the climate because we want to worldwide when it could mess up so much hard work and effort!!!! I personally refuse to consider this unless it is agree to vote on it.
>>37195291 Well I did say that I'm reluctant to change the climate globally. The main issue I have is indecision because one of the nations most affected by the change isn't here right now, not whether to magic my way out of the issue.
>>37195291 I have to agree with this, while magic climates arent ideal. Changing the world climate has MAJOR implications that are beyond the saplings.
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>>37195398 Thats fair!!! I dont know who all would be effected but I am sure plenty of economic rentries would be screwed by this as an example.
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>>37195420 there's a difference between changing the currently assigned climate and justifying why the currently assigned climate doesn't line up with what we expect though
>>37195130 The saplings do have the unique advantage that they literally covered themselves to the brim with magic rocks, and with Fauna's theme being nature, them choosing to have localized climate for their northern half is a real plausibility for them.
Well, if they ever come by we can recommend that solution to them if they don't want to do the switch, in the end, I do not believe it will be a problem.
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What started this climate discussion? It sounds like it came from /who/ but saplings are also being brought up nora.
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>>37195012 She isn't and her rude behavior towards respected writers is why.
>>37195543 The other problem is that the magic phenomenon created by the high concentration of Fuana chuubanite might also affect us. But maybe I'm overthinking things.
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Anyway back on break!!!! Please consider other writers hard work while discussing this, God bless!!!!
>>37195685 well, it's conceptual bullshit and other things I don't care to understand, the scale of their localized climate could be reduced to certain bubbles of temperateness instead of completely enveloping their nation, sort of like tiny oasis in the taiga, guess that'll be dealt with when the time comes.
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>>37195906 Kind of rude to consider chuubanite concepts as “Bullshit” you dont wish to understand.
>>37195906 Alright so we should adopt the change? If so climate anon(s) can you make a map on what the new climate will be like?
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
>>37196043 what kind of change?
>>37196043 That's up to climate anon more than me, he's the one that informed us of the changes, right? He can give us the baseline and then we can add our touches to it. If he doesn't do it, then I'll try coming up with something that's not too crazy.
>>37196225 Well yeah he did it about a month ago but I (and the rest of the thread) wasn't aware of the full effect until like a week ago when 3beat made the new projection comparison map. If for some reason he can't do it I think our old climate is exactly like what it's supposed to be now.
>>37196209 Change the climate to be colder in accordance with the new projection
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
Risuners are still hot AF right?
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>>37196359 do we really want colder climate in the first place though?
>>37196402 Nigga, go to bed or something.
OGsuner !I18uq92BL.
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>>37196444 I'm waiting for your sister.
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>>37196402 Of course, OG.
>>37196444 Get bent retard nanora, also new bread,