Kiwawa Awakening Inya's Kraken, Mentions
>Awaken the Kraken (close to octopus in German, Ina has awakened from her break)
>Kiara never believed Ina was human
>Kiara got Ina 2 boxes of cup noodles, Ina got Kiara Chanelle shades
>Ina wore her gifted socks to her trip to Japan
>Ina is still waiting for her VC giant Takodachi, she will do a totem pole of takodachis
>One of Kiara's gifts was an otamatone, Ina suggest they have an otamatone collab
>Pekora got Kiara and giant bean bag, it has a weird smell
>Ina wants to visit Kiara in Austria and sleep on her beanie, Kiara doesn't want Ina to smell so she offers her guest bed or floor
>(Kiara to Inya) Kiara: "You wanna be stepped on by me?"
>Ina: "heh heh.."
>Kiara: "Ya?"
>Ina: "heh heh.." (Oji meter 70%), Ina apologizes or her sudden horniness and quickly switches topics
Awaken Design Showcase
>(Pekora showcase) She's attacking with her cuteness
>(Kiara does a Pekora impression) Pekora: Kiara-chan daisuki / Kiara: She totally said that
>(Ina does a Pekora impression) She did her best, Ina can only do a certain mouse impression
>(Laplus showcase) Her butt is glowing and is about to attack the Earth, neither of them can do her impression
>(Inya showcase) So cute and girly, Ina stole Mori's shoes, Kiara chooses the Ina right beside her as the cutest Ina
>Kiara offers several scenarios on how she can chop off and stab Ina's tentacles
>(Kiwawa showcase) Ina wants Kiara to dm her if she ever cosplays in that outfit (Oji meter 80%) Kiara looks cool as if she's dancing
Forgetti Beam
>New set of voice lines announced
>Kiara does an Ina impression and Ina becomes her live sockpuppet, they are linked telepathically
>Ina does a Kiara impression and Kiara becomes her live sockpuppet (Ina implodes from self cringe)
>Laplus sounds so chuuni, Ina tries her best to do an impression but stumbles and accidentally bites her tongue
>Laplus makes food out of her viewers / Kiara: She's just like me fr fr
>People have told Kiara she had one of the best Pekora impressions, Kiara will now skinwalk Pekora and takeover her streams
>Laplus: "I like ass (Earth), but I also like this worldo." (Kiara breaks into hysterical laughter, Ina joins)
>Next time Kiara sees Laplus she will ask her what does she like about asses, fellow ass enjoyer
>(Ina's mind explodes linking Laplus ass to her sitting on the Earth) Ina sees Laplus as a bullyable sister
>Ina: You guys should get your mind out of you're, you know.. / Kiara: Out of their asses?
>Kiara only wants Yagoo in the game as an enemy so she can kick him, she has to let out her frustrations one way or another, Yagoo only wants the best for his talents
>Ina wants an army of small baby Yagoos with big heads
>More members will join the collab sponsor next, speculate away
>Noefure Takamori on Noels channel tomorrow, Ina is taking the day off
>Kiara ends the collab with a gift of her fluids in Ina's tentacle void