>a few weeks ago she talked about SC reading, saying she'd rather play a game instead of reading SCs even though she appreciates the support and she'd leave SC always off from now on
You forgot to mention about Super stickers which she left on, also Ame mentioned her manager turning SCs on
>fast forward, on her 2nd FNV stream, she complains saying SC could probably be on for this game and it wouldn't be a problem
Faggots were complaining about the radio being on pretending to be worried about the stream disappearing due to the radio, you are also probably referring to the 1st FNV since no one was complaining about it on the 2nd stream
>turns SC on for karaoke, saying she'll read later. Gets a lot since teamates think she wouldn't turn it on for a long time again
No explanation yet, most likely manager turning it on again.
I don't know what you are having problems with. I know people like you don't care about SCs, watcher her super chat readings or actually give SCs. So I don't know why SCs matter a lot to you unless your a numberfag which Ame despises.