>But here, here's what I have to say, because, I've been processing and digesting stuff that's been going on, uh, these past few days, and, here's what I have to say.
>I think that everybody is entitled to their opinion
>And I think that is entitled to support whatever the fuck they wanna support
>And, y'know what? That's on you, whatever you want to support, however, I believe that no one deserves to be harassed, and no one deserves to be attacked, and no one deserves to be bullied, and no one deserves to feel threatened, no one deserves to live in fear every day of their life, that is not right. That is not right.
>And I think there's a lot of positive ways to get a message across, without having to make somebody feel bad
>Sometimes, when I think about things, I think, "Is this going to make somebody feel bad?" And if I find out that it does, I don't wanna do it.
>Is it-I don't know, but everybody operates differently and everybody does different things, and that's what makes humans and society so great.
>That's what makes being alive so great, you have the choice to do whatever the fuck you wanna do.
>But that's all I wanna say, all I wanna say is, Would you wanna live in fear every day of your life? And be afraid to close your eyes? You wanna be afraid to go to sleep? No. Why would you want to do that to somebody? Why?
>And that goes to everyone!
>I think there are ways to support what you wanna support, in positive ways, unfortunately, a lot of people feel that, unless you do things in a negative way people aren't gonna respond, or, nothing's gonna change, unfortunately that's how society has trained us.
>Sucks. It sucks, cause that's how we've all been led to believe. That niceness doesn't work, and meanness does.
>I just hope that, in the future maybe one day, people are just a little kinder to others, you know what I mean?
>I wish. But you know that's not how life goes, that's not how the world goes.
>But listen man, sometimes people make choices on their own and they wanna choose to do stuff, and, I may not necessarily agree with certain choices that people make, but no one deserves to be...
>*long pause*
>*Another pause*
>Humanity is fucked up.
>And that's all I'm saying on the matter! The end! Womp womp wa!
>Will I get angry messages for what I've said? Tune in tomorrow to find out!
>Sometimes people don't say anything at all, you can't fault someone for saying they're not going to speak on an issue and not say anything.
>You can't do that, at the end of the day it's their choice.
>Some people can't handle stress, and anxiety, and pressure, and anger, some people just can't handle feelings.
>So I think that it's kind of fucked up to push somebody, to force them into dealing with something that they're not equipped to deal with, not the right tools, y'know? Am I, am I making any sense? Probably not, I'm very dizzy right now.
>*in response to a chatter* Nah man! It's just, sometimes I see comments floating around on the twittiler, and people are like "the silence is deafening!"
>It's like, Bruh, alright, go ahead, you say something then. Fill up the void, say something. Some, sometimes, people need time, to collect their thoughts.
>Listen a lot of times people rush into things and they get very emotional and, they say things or they do stuff, and, you just gotta sit down with yourself, reflect, and think about what you're gonna say and do.
>And it's okay to take time off to just, reflect and think! Don't rush into shit, y'know? People think that stuff is so urgent.
>Either way, listen, sometimes, either way, you're gonna get crucified either way.
>You just need to decide, what way are you gonna get crucified, you know what I mean?
>*In response to a chatter,* Listen man, I've just been through a lot of shit and I, *starts shaking head* I've seen a lot of shit and I've been through a lot of shit and I just know that sometimes you just need to take a step back and relax and think!
>Think! Think first please!
>It's it's just you start to see stuff and you get a sense of urgency inside you and you're like "Man I-I" and then you start panicking and then you-
>Take some time. Reflect. Come back later.