>>436336Dating Amelia!
Letting Amelia meet your family!
Asking Amelia if you can visit her family!
Wondering why Amelia is crying!
Meeting Amelia's extended family!
Wondering why Amelia's parents are absent!
Hearing all the fucked up stories of Amelia's past!
Getting sexually assulted by Aunty Watson!
Amelia's brother catching Aunty Watson stroking your leg!
Amelia's brother beating you close to death!
Amelia crying over your bruised and broken body!
Amelia breaking up with you so that she doesn't cause you any more pain!
Crying yourself to sleep remembering how things used to be!
I love Ame!
Loving Ame!
Marrying Ame!
Taking Ame to bed!
Pleasing Ame sexually!
Providing Ame the living standards she wants!
Satisfying Ame emotionally!
Getting closer to Ame physically!
Having to explain the lunches Ame gave me to my co-workers!
Having a rewarding marriage with Ame!
Nine children with Ame!
Playing video games with Ame!
All facets of my life filled with happiness because of Ame!
I love Ame!
Loving Ame!
Marrying Ame!
Taking Ame to bed!
Disappointing Ame sexually!
Failing to give Ame the living standards she wants!
Disappointing Ame emotionally!
Getting abused by Ame physically!
Having to explain the bruises Ame gave me to my co-workers!
Dealing with a failing marriage with Ame!
No children with Ame!
Screaming matches with Ame!
All the appliances in the houses broken because of Ame!
I love Ame!
>have been alone in a stranger's house in an unfamiliar country for the last two weeks>all I have done is watch hololive, ghost on tinder, fap, order pizza>it took Ame leaving for three days for me to look at my life and be disgusted>It has been two days since Amelia has last streamed>in the newfound quiet I realize the grotesqueness of my situation>The pizza boxes line the hallways>Nothing is in order>The toilet has been clogged for a week>And then there is the smell, the smell and the buzzing, from the room down the hallway>How did I not notice it before?>What kind of trance was I under, watching Amelia?>These thoughts creep through my mind as I stand in the open doorway watching the now bloated corpse>When did I kill him? Why did I kill him?>I can find no answers to these questions>My phone vibrates>An Amelia guerilla stream begins in thirty minutes>I order another pizza and wait by the door until it arrives>When the delivery arrives I hastily hand the driver a wad of cash and grab the pizza box, quickly shutting the door before the smell can creep out>Upon sitting at the desk and opening the stream I notice something>Amelia seems cuter than usual today.Ame's last stream was 2 days ago
Oh god she hasn't tweeted
I very much miss her, man
Every hour I cry myself back to sleep
Knowing this, I decided to take my meds
Oh god ame I miss you
Oh my god ame where are you
Please please please tweet