>>4414648You don't seem to understand any of this. Let me lay it out. There's three factions:
1. The bugmen, from mainland China. They are the ones angry at Hololive and still attacking it to this day. They also hate people from Taiwan, unless they are CCP sympathizers, which is not very common on the island. They like all of HoloCN and consider them to be loyal to China. They renamed the group of them to "ourgirls" once they dropped the Hololive branding.
2. Taiwanese people. They still like Hololive, and they don't like China. They also don't like Artia (or the rest of HoloCN) because they feel she betrayed Hololive by encouraging group 1 to sperg out, as well as agreeing with their spergout in general. For the most part they have the same attitudes as English speakers.
3. English speakers. They like Hololive, and generally don't like China after the events of the chinkout. Most of them didn't like China before that even.
The twitter post where some ESL exposed Artia for encouraging Chinese people to attack Hololive, that translated Youtube video where Artia admitted to participating in a nationalist campaign against some Taiwan group (which was an accurate translation, even though Cover took it down), and that one infographic that spread mostly on reddit laying out all of Artia's crimes, those were all made by group 2. There was not any secret campaign there, just random Taiwan fans who wanted English speakers to know that Artia was a rat so they translated shit and then posted it on Twitter and Reddit, starting in the end of September, right after the suspensions into mid October. This is when the judasposting started, basically the same day as the suspensions (Sep 27).
Fast foward to three weeks later, October 19. Coco isn't fired and resumes streaming. This riles up the bugmen (group 1). HoloCN then starts going menhera, probably because the talks of them getting fired start. Around this time some retarded Chinese man hatches the master plan laid out in
>>4380993 and pic related. The plan is to talk shit about Artia on Western websites, where they (group 3) love Artia
except they didn't anymore which would make them angry, and blame Taiwanese people (group 2), for no discernable reason, causing a rift to form between the two groups that Chinese people (group 1) previously saw as allies. I think the idea was to post so much that people would get annoyed and blame Taiwan for spamming 4chan, but it had very little participation so it wasn't really possible to tell the Chinese falseflaggers from regular Artia haters. Or maybe it was enough since it apparently worked on you.
>>4416023That one is accurate as far as we know.