>>46805151case in point of what? that I disagree with the apparently majority consensus/status quo of the threads here? yeah, no shit sherlock. You're basically just saying 'hurrr if you have a different opinion and don't fit in you should go back' fucking moron. Fuck unity, I want want division and segregation, Idgaf what opinion the rest of the queers in this thread came to at some arbitrary point before. Fuck tempus, fuck their fans and fuck all you fags for not gatekeeping harder to keep all of those shitters out of here.
The worst part is that, ironically, the tempusfags are actually the tourist newfags who don't give a fuck about the rest of hololive and just raid these threads to spam about their ebin boizzz and try to own le holocels by anti-ing girls like Kiara and shitting up the thread. And dumbcunts like you are in favor of keeping these fuckers here.