starting the 'apology' video with a suitably dead expression, her half-open eyes display a piercingly bored gaze that seems like it is almost going through the camera rather than looking into it, her pursed mouth that completed her exceptional resting bitch face begins to contort as she begins to deliver her desultory apology in her remarkable monotone.
"hey chat, i'm so fucking sorry you had to see me suck a nasty horse cock." the delivery of such an outrageous sentence was spoken as if she were in primary school begrudgingly reading aloud. "i'm so fucking sorry that your pathetic shrimp dicks weren't enough for me. that i needed a fat, disgusting, throbbing, COCK from a filthy fucking animal to please me." her tone has evolved from disingenuous to pernicious at best, loudly emphasizing some of the more carnal vocabulary in her already vulgar speech.
"i didn't realizing you wouldn't like that, that you didn't want to see your precious seiso idol have her insatiable womanhood be violated by a fucking retarded brute. you must be mad that he's SO MUCH BIGGER than you. that he's SO MUCH BETTER than you. i think he might be just as smelly though." she lets out a forced laugh in her characteristic deep voice she typically reserves for the superchats filled with stale jokes beaten more than the dead horse that she herself probably milked dry before his demise. interestingly, her breath is also getting heavier the more she hurls her foul words, and her eyes seem to be rolling slightly upwards.
"i'm sorry for you, but there's NO WAY i'd EVER let you fuck me. assuming you can even have my gaping anus wrap around those little peepees." she steps closer to the camera, her cheeks and nose are slightly red, as if they were recently backed up. "i guess i'll just have to cancel the handcam stream i had planned, knowing it'd probably make you upset. but, management didn't say i can't do something like that off stream... that's why i'm gonna be announcing my week long break." she comes even closer as the beginning of a toothy smile introduces itself. "after 'convincing' my manager, she got me some permissions to go to japan's BIGGEST horse farm."
at this point, she has taken the camera in her hand and practically shoves it into her face. her wicked grin and crazed eyes are practically windows into a brain in which every neuron that fires is dedicated to enormous equine members. "whether you see it or not, i'm gonna be spending days WORSHIPPING dozens of filthy, veiny, repulsive COCKS. COCKS as big as my fucking arm. balls as big as my FUCKING HEAD. flares so FUCKING wide i can't even fit two hands around them. rolling around covered in mud and filth as i am skewered day and night by FAT FUCKING GROSS MONSTER COCKS!"
simmering down from her lustful rampage, she closes her eyes and smiles as she belts out an uncommonly chipper tone. "so, i just wanted to make a quick video to say that i'm sorry, and to let the deadbeats know what's up before i take my break! also, just one last thing before i end this video."
she lets out a sultry 'guh' as she rolls her eyes back and lolls out her tongue, seemingly still caked with some seed from her steed. she grabs a hold of the camera again and pushes it up against her mouth. "sheriff decided to get a little practice before she heads to the ranch. hope you don't mind. later faggots!"
she kisses the camera, leaving a faint white imprint as she giggles like a school girl and stands up and leaves the room. you notice as she turns around to get up, she is not wearing pants under her gown, and briefly showed her cum-caked crater of an anus as she turned to walk away. a neigh is heard before the video abruptly ends.