>>4954291>so I was wrong about English songs not getting caught up in it.It’s understandable, two unrelated things happened with regards to English songs, the one you mentioned and the one I mentioned
1) the one I mentioned: Cover swearing on their ancestors grave they would secure permission for everything the girls did.
Nip has a single entity responsible for permission for most of their songs (in great part due to their love for Karaoke) meaning it was a one time only negotiation to get permission for JP songs.
EN songs? Each big label do their thing and it’s most automated with contentid.
I once saw one of those “watched walkers” (blokes that film themselves walking in cities) getting a copy strike for passing in front of a store with music on.
EN songs were not worth the hassle to license but sufficiently changed covers wouldn’t be identifiable by contentid so they likely just asked the girls not to archive any English singing so if they didn’t get taken down live there would be no archive to take down and strike.
2) the one you mentioned. With HoloEN growing big and wanting to do legal licenses covers (like that Countey Roads) Cover mostly likely than not had to approach labels to secure licenses for that.
Labels likely said
>blanket licensing will set you back some 10 million.One off songs will be around 10k a pop but we’ll sweep your archives to make sure you’re not getting for free anything we could charge you for the rights.
That’s likely the reason for the coincidence between HoloEN cover and English covers on JP side vanishing.
The truth is: what’s right is what’s right and if they need a license they must either pay up or private and that’s what they did.
Everything derived from what happened in June, way before what happened in September