numberfagging is only good for highlighting goals reached. What most do here is trying to use it as a measure of success or failure. If you go for subs, then they will turn it to SCs, if it turns to SCs then it turns to live viewers and so on and so forth.
>>5082765Uh, Pekora. She actually mentioned losing 3,000 subs over taking a break. Pekorafags are the biggest numberfags on this board. Not sure how Gura keeps getting brought up in this when she's the most humble one of them all. She probably wouldn't even celebrate the 2 million sub milestone if it wasn't for Kiara urging her. If she wanted to exploit hitting sub goals for SCs, she would've do so sooner going forward, or done late freetalk celebrations to collect them during an available free period like some of ID and JP do. If someone is bringing up Gura, it's usually someone else punching her down, and not the other way around.