>>51794958Spoiler-ish free guide to completing his quest:
>First breakpoint is at the church, where you need to interact with a certain NPC in the church to get him to spawn in a well near the bonfire. Get his armor back and he'll move on.
>He shows up asleep later on. If you want to complete Greirat's story, DO NOT wake him up and do not move on to the Dungeon until after he comes back from his second expedition.
>His final location is near the end of the prison area, in an area that requires a jump to reach. He is locked up, so you need to find the key in the dungeon to free him.So far as DaS3 storylines go he's not too hard to fuck up, there aren't that many points of no return and it's not like
Anri where there's one massive fuck you moment where the character just dies if you don't
kill the assassin hidden via an illusion in the room they're hanging out in.