>>57648235>so if I had to assumeexactly, you're just assuming. You assumption isn't actually based on anything, it's just taken for granted that 'after death is nothingness and you won't experience anything' in the modern secular world - except nobody actually knows this because we still don't understand consciousness yet or what your sense of self - and what happens to it - even is.
Also you said
>reverting back to the same kind of nothingness that was there before you were even conceivedexcept you don't actually know that there was nothingness before you were born either - it only seems like this because your memories only starting forming around 3 or 4 years old in your brain. For all anyone knows, you actually did exist in some form before you were born.
>you have to be pretty bold to assume that you're practicing the correct onemy point isn't that you should expect a certain kind of afterlife or live in accordance with a specific religion but just that you should stay alive and stave off death for as long as possible just to avoid whatever freaky fate might be awaiting you after you die.
You say it's 'such a dice roll' to believe in a certain afterlife but I say it's an even bigger gamble to kill yourself and shortcut your way straight into what could be a realm of suffering and terror infinitely greater than however sad you feel in life now. Like imagine you kill yourself and suddenly you're in a screaming eldritch void hellscape forever and you're thinking 'oh fuck why the fuck did I just do that' imagine the crushing regret.
Literally everyone who tries to kill themselves and fails and survives always reports instantly severely regretting it when they are near-death btw
I live a pretty empty and depressed life myself - 30+ year old virgin schizoid autist who lives alone in a shitty apartment doing a menial job that gives me no fulfillment, with basically no emotional connection to my family, no friends anymore and watching vtubers is basically all I have besides alcoholism. But even still I find the idea of death so fucking scary that despite how depressed and unhappy I am I still could never bring myself to commit suicide.
I am convinced people that kill themselves literally all only do it in the heat of the moment and don't even really believe they'll actually die or just haven't truly thought about death.