>>5826596Two more autistic posts for the road.
>>5817572I was pretty busy earlier but saw this posted and a few replies, and knew the thread was about to go a bit bad. Been wanting to reply for a while. I'll admit right now that like other anons, I've been a bit unsure about you, despite all the great art you make.
>Seeing so many anons goslinging and feeling lovey dovey makes me wonder why they complained about Reddit being positive-feedback-only.The large amount of goslining was done as live reactions to the premiere of the video as there was no live chat. (Susan also took away the comments again. Susan HATE) Complaining about those posts would be like complaining about people in the live chat not having immediate critiques of the video. I do agree I'd like to see a bit more advice to Nade, but there was already anons providing some ideas on what Nade can focus on a bit after the video ended. I do like some of your points though.
>Learn to actI feel like Nade has shown she can do an okay job at acting with her other scenarios. This was meant to be more of a relaxed scenario, so her tone was more relaxed in comparison to say Betrayal.
>tend to slur your wordsGoing back to your positive-feedback-only comment, this point, as you pointed out, was brought up by other anons. She actually addressed it in a post already. It's almost redundant, although I think what might be best now is to point out specific timestamps were there's noticable stumbling over her words, so perhaps Nade can figure out what things trip her up.
>use your earsSolid point, and other anons brought this up, again. Nade should definitely take it on board. Once she's finished with her exam study, learning a bit about audio and video editing, as well as a good software, would be a good idea. Of course, once she starts streaming, she may not do much recorded content anymore.
>Why is it raining inside the viewer's room? This seems more like a personal issue than objective critique. The rain was fine to me, small bit louder than I would have liked, but at no point did I think it was overwhelming. It sounds like the window in the room is open and the rain is heavy outside. I love the sound of rain personally, so perhaps I'm more open to it being a bit louder than others. Somewhere between what she had, and the video with natural rain would be best in my opinion.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mpj0qnvHdZE>you don't "fix in post", you re record.Are you suggesting just rerecord that part, or the entire thing? I assume it's the former, as the latter would be silly. I feel like she almost did it right with the door, stopping the recording and then just keep going with the video when she starts again, but she just needs to learn about cutting parts of videos out, and if she was, for example, interrupted in the middle of a sentence, just cut back a bit more from when that sentence starts and keep going from there.
>SpoilerWhen did you ask her this? I do remember questions & similar answers like that being asked, but that was a good while back in the old threads. It's been over 5 weeks since she started, she might just be more comfortable doing things now. Unless you're talking about things she's said in DMs or something.
>>5817957 you claim she doesn't owe you anything, but she's having some sort of cognitive dissonance because she did some sort of GFE content you didn't like. Yet, again I don't think she ever said she wouldn't ever do GFE type content, even your experience says she thought it was too soon to do it whenever that question was asked.
>Considering the series of scenario videos she's made I feel it was unavoidable that some heavy feeling provoking GFE video would be made at some point.It's almost like Nade got more comfortable doing concepts for her videos!