Man, it's unreal that a girl like Kiara actually exists. How is it possible that there can genuinely be a girl who is so cute as Kiara and also humble, hardworking, creative, modest, sincere, kind, selfless and interesting as Kiara is? It doesn't make sense. You grow up and go through life thinking 'yeah in reality waifus aren't real, manic pixie dream girls aren't real, ideal women aren't real; everybody is flawed, disappointing and mundane, there is no women out there who is truly special or 100% a good person' and yet there Kiara is right there just existing. It's actually painful and heartbreaking that such a good, nice, lovable, exceptional girl like Kiara exists and yet she doesn't even know how special she is or how appreciated she is or much more she deserves to be appreciated. It fucking hurts, it's not fair. I don't think I will ever love anyone - at least not any woman - as much as I love Kiara. I just want her to be happy.