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/vag/ - VTuber Addiction General

No.6137949 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Share your addiction experiences and how you're coping

My phone vibrated this morning and it scared the shit out of me. It was supposed to be turned off but I accidentally turned it on in my sleep. Thankfully I turned it back off quickly enough before I could see any messages or notifications.

I think I slept(or tried to) over 16 hours. I've been trying lucid dreaming to talk with Polka and the other girls but it's proven difficult. I have to lie absolutely still for hours to trick my body to sleep. I was also advised to keep a detailed dream journal. I lost motivation to pursue my VTubing and my art again. So I'll just do the journal for now.

>I'm in highschool again
>walking to class with 3 beautiful girls Polka, Miko, and Flare
>they're all wearing ender dragon masks but in real life
>Polka is holding onto my arm and I'm really happy
>I feel really warm inside like the first few days on having a girlfriend
>except Polka is just a friend to me and will never be more than that
>I don't want to ruin her purity
>I compliment her eyes (dumb because she was wearing a mask)
>she didn't seem to mind
>Miko and Flare are giggling behind eyes
>I got embarrassed because I know they were talking about me and Polka
>finally get to class but something weird is going on
>see some hands banging on the door window trying to open it
>see blood on the hands as we got closer
>I got really scared at this point and Miko was panicking
>Polka and Flare hugged me and Miko
I woke up at this point because my stupid phone vibrated.

I really want to be hugged by Polka again. Right now I'm feeling extreme sadness. I kind of want to hurt myself for no reason. I hate the sight of blood so cutting isn't an option so I just decided to turn off my air conditioning so I could suffer and be sad in scorching temperatures.

This new captcha reminds me of when I was in highschool and I was always posting in /r9k/ and browsing /fa/ to try and fit in with normies.