>>61484993Not everyone gets to have a GF/Wife/Children and that's all right, they find other ways to contribute to society. If you're afraid of dying alone though and want to change that, you need to get over the fear that everyone is out to get you and start getting out and talking to people. Just remember to keep your expectations tempered when it comes to women though, you will never find a carbon copy of Shiorin or your fantasy ideal you made up in your mind. Compromise, to an extent, is our reality and you need to learn to deal with that if you're wanting more. No one is perfect and neither are you and I don't mean that in a harsh way. Flaws are fine but don't let them define who you are for your whole life. Polish your edges and let the flaws shine in their own way, well, as long as you aren't a piece of shit that is in your flaws. I.E. abusive, murderous etc.