>>61677790Honest answer? The Kronii situation started it. And I don't think it was really even fully her fault, more like it was just fumbled by all involved.
It wasn't that it was controversial with her gachikoi; no, more, it was the break and management response that happened afterward. It was confrontational. It made the average fan view the Tempus dudes as interlopers, disruptors, who were fucking up the happy peaceful fun of Hololive and causing trouble.
Even if you weren't a Kronii gachikoi unicorn or whatever the buzzwords are, you might have seen that as a threat to your hobby and decided to give them the cold shoulder.
It doesn't help that Cover has a horrible habit of taking ANY positive reception to ANYTHING involving Stars as a license to take it way too far.
Hololive fans gave them a shot when they debuted and were watching them? Holy shit, go balls to the fucking wall, spam collabs, spam collab songs, take 10 fucking miles because the fanbase gave you an inch. The only rational response to such insanity is to completely ignore the dudes so Cover doesn't misinterpret polite interest as "Please integrate these guys into Hololive and fucking ruin everything".