Still being absolutely blown away by Bae's incredible vocal control and downright voluptuous voice at times as this acoustic unarchived karaoke is just way past amazing. Bae with some training under her belt is definitely going to be a super power on the singing side, so let's hope she keeps doing her reps.
While Gura's giving us such riveting commentary as she's found a long lost and abandoned Usual Room filled with zombified KFP members who didn't make it out in time may his soul rest. She's probably going to forget about them and dig straight into the pit one day because Sharkbrain.
While Mori's showing off all her new member's emotes as we're joining her for this after karaoke party. The karaoke where she sang such songs as Naruto German Opening, One Piece Pirate Rap, Pokemon Rap, and Sippin' Tea in the Hood. Mori is a one of a kind lady and has mastered the art of cringekino. Also she called Deadbeats #1 and that's a dangerous notion.
AZKi released a new MV for her original song StrongestxWeakest Girl. The jazzy instrumentals, AZKi's beautiful singing voice and the P&SG art style mesh together to near perfection and you should definitely give this a stream or two if you haven't yet. has released one last original song before her solo concert happening later next month. Lyrics by Deco*27 and an amazing 3DMV which shows us the sheep's incredible dance moves and expressions awaits you right here. You should hurry up and give Rainbow a listen if you haven't yet, it'll definitely bring a smile on your face. of absolutely no where, Aqua's original song Aqua-iro Palette got an English release. Now you too can sing along with more than just I love you so much~. Hurry up and go stream it if you haven't, it's such a pleasant song. friends, where we at?