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Someone grabs you head from behind and covers your eyes. "GUESS WHO" says a familiar voice. "Fuck off Ayame you know you're about to be destroyed". The oni jump in front of you "yes 'tis I, fear human for I am here for your soul!". She gently throws you a PS4 controller and bends over (at the waist no less) to put Tekken in the console, showing her ass and the tiny strip of fabric covering her pussy. Surely that wasn't on purpose, you've been friends for years. Still, you don't begrudge the peek. She bounces across and jump on the couch next to you, "ready to lose LOSER" she says, sticking out her tounge and cocking an eye. "OH it's on" you respond, ready to absolutely destroy her, you are after all, the LORD of Tekken.
(2 hours pass)
How does she do it, how DOES she do it? 50 matches, and she's gotten 40 perfects. You've barely landed a single hit. Her fingers are like lightening and she air juggles you like a world champion. No one is this good at Tekken, no one is this much better than you. No one... except Ayame apparently. It's not even the losing, it's the gloating that's getting to you. It's like sitting next to an entire xbox live lobby in 2008, the stream of insults and obscenities would make even the most seasoned MW2 veteran throw down in his controller in surrender.
PERFECT the TV shouts, as Paul Phoenix falls to the floor, Yoshimitsu dancing a taunt. "WHAT WAS THAT" Ayame shouts, giggling her head off. "Are you a baby? Do you have some kind of wasting disease? How are you so BAD at this game?". A pang of anger goes up your spine, she's got to be cheating. "AGAIN" you shout. Ayame just laughs "well, if you're so intent on losing AGAIN I'll happily beat you again! That's 53rd times the charm yeah?" and she breaks off into that laugh of hers. This is it you say, you crack the can of monster energy and down in it one. Supercharged and ready, you hit start.
PERFECT the TV shouts, you've lost again. The anger swells within you, Ayame gloating again. Seeing red the controller leaves your hand, catching her in the side of the skull. She tumbles to the floor, more from shock that pain. "What the hell anon, don't be such a sore loser!" Your vision is tinted red still, the anger in your chest swelling to heights you thought impossible. "Go on then you big baby, throw that tantrum" Ayame shouts at you.
That's it, she wants a tantrum, you'll give her a fucking tantrum. As she's standing up you throw the first punch, catching her in the side of the head, almost exactly where the controller her. She falls to the ground again, this time with a shout of pain. "oh finally the big man shows his true colors" she quips. This brat doesn't know when to stop does she? The second punch lands in the gut and the air is lost from her lungs. She'll never beat you again, that's for sure. But there's something else, she's smiling. What.
Why is she smiling? Is shit *into* this? You hesitate for a moment, her legs are apart, and her thin panties are clearly soaked, almost transparent with arousal. "what's the matter baby, you had your fill?" she says. The red vision returns and you throw another punch, this one hurts. *CRACK*, as her nose moves to the side, blood streaming out her nostrils. Another punch, to the gut again, this one much harder. You don't care if she's into it, you can't hold this anger any more. Is she crying now? Another flurry of punches, another crack, something else broke. Minutes go by, how many, you don't know. As the red haze finally clears, you're stood over the girl, barely conscious, her skin a mismatched mess of blue, purple and red. Blood streaming from her nose and from the corner of her mouth. one of her horns is broken off as well. You feel sick, did I really do this to my friend? She looks at you with heavy lidded eyes, "it's okay". What. How is this okay, you're a monster. "It's my fault" she says "I teased you a little too much haha *couch cough*"
Standing over the girl, she's clearly soaked through, your carpet is ruined, she must be one hell of a masochist, and you're rock hard. Suppose it can't be helped, you say to yourself, claiming the losers prize as you undo your belt