ARCHIVE EVERYTHING. This is easily the most important piece of advice I can give. Over the past week or so I've seen a lot of pedes only posting a link to evidence, or even worse, only posting a screencap of evidence. That is absolutely no good. Links can be scrubbed at a moment's notice and screencaps are laughably easy to forge. Archives are important because they void deniability. If you don't want your proofs to go poofs, is your best friend. (Don't rely on They are known to take things down upon request.) If you're going to post a screencap, add the archive URL to the image to make it verifiable. Also note that while can't save actual pdf documents or audio/video files, it can still prove that the file was there, which is a trick worth remembering.
Find a good place to host and share your audio/video and pdf evidence. Most of these file hosting sites have been known to cave to pressure, so this may be difficult, but it's also extremely important. should strongly consider incorporating the ability to upload pdfs and smaller audio/video files onto the site, though the latter should probably be restricted to high karma individuals to prevent spam attacks filling up the servers with garbage.
Document the intent. Many of these globohomo basedbugs do too much gloating on social media about their diabolical plans, even some of the higher ranking ones. Things like the AG of Pennsylvania boasting about how "Trump isn't going to win Pennsylvania" the day before are good examples. Proving intent is what is going to make the difference in court between 'it's just a glitch' and 'this is a criminal conspiracy'.
Make the nature of their connections to one another clear. This plays into the previous tip of documenting the intent, because intent marks the difference between a normal business relationship and a criminal conspiracy. Take a close look at the organizations each individual affiliates with and the politics and mission statements of those organizations. Look for instances where lots of individuals and organizations share the same connections. Combine all of that with the archives of anything self-incriminating these commies have posted online. Spreadsheet software like Excel is a great way to make this easier. You can mirror the name of each individual/organization on both an X and Y axis, then fill the details of each connect in the cell where the names intersect.
Catch them in a contradiction. One reliable rule in criminal investigations, if someone is telling the truth, they're going to keep their testimonies generally consistent. Lies do not conform to reality, so it's very easy for pathological liars to overlook verifiable details that contradict their false narratives. Archiving their contradictions will make a case for malicious intent much more compelling.
Probe and ask questions, but do so politely. Anything these cretins say can and should be used against them. If at all possible, consider creating an alternate account for Twitter, Facebook, or the like. Keep your profile politically neutral. When engaging with your targets, feign ignorance, pass yourself off as a confused neutral trying to cut through online "disinformation" and seeking guidance. Play dumb and ask them to clarify things. With a little luck they'll willingly give you valuable material such as a possible lead or a contradiction that can be used against them.