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Rant on JP Fanbase

No.67776028 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, today I shall discuss why Rushia aka Green Woman aka Mike Cat's JP fanbase sucks and are acting super inappropriately towards the situation of said talent and her husband.

English isnt my forte and I'm happy to receive criticism.

First and foremost, I'm a fan of mafumafu's music there will be a bias against the green woman's fanbase. I'm sorry if I offend any Mikeneko fans out there, I just wanted you guys to inject some common sense into your veins.

You may have all seen the Japanese Discord call, where one guy was shouting on the top of his lungs, demanding they give back what was lost to "Mi-chan," it should be noted that supporting a creator comes at your own risks and having parasocial relationships like this are inappropriate, not only Mikeneko, but every celebrity must be given space.

My second point is that you deliberately ignore the fact that Mike Cat had lied, doxxed, cyber bullied, spreaded rumors and played the victim in true menhera fashion and only focused on the fact that the two of them were married??? I, myself, are not any better than them because I chose to express myself over 4chan but celebrities, regardless of their size, age, gender are also humans. I don't think I need to elaborate on this topic, if you have a functioning brain, you would understand.

Thirdly, the insensitivity that JP fanbases is insane, even the gore community might want to back down from being at the number 1 spot on the insensitivity scale. They are so desensitized, pretty sure that's why the Japanese market for Vtubing is so big, because everyone only cared about their feelings for the idol, not the idol themselves, and when they are hurt emotionally, they resort to doxxing, stalking, black mailing, etc.

Finally, I would like to use this opportunity, gifted to me by the 4chan community to tell off all the unicorns out there that life isn't going to go their way. How about you guys get out of your parents basement and get a job? Staying behind your hikikomori shell, leaching off your parent's retirement funds isn't going to help your favorite idol from avoiding charges on mental abuse. Not including the fact that she tried to rat out Minato Aqua, THE SOCIAL ANXIETY AQUA, as if she would even hurt a fly. Amd Cover Corp, with their billions, is too invested in the money making business to even care about this stuff, why making Yagoo a meme when he's just a capitalist, milking Vtuber cash cows and leaving them when crises like the aforementioned happen.

To conclude, brain rotted individuals are the sole reason why the Japanese market generate such high revenues but the big corpos are cutting corners, viewing talents as expendable. There should be more tight screening in the future, so as to not make the same mistake - making another Rushia.

That's all for today, I hope I won't get doxxed for writing this post. Good evening folks.

1:55 am 30th Jan 2024