>>747439>leaking personal info on VOMS to other sourcesIf it was then they wouldn't discuss it. TMSK at least specifically says numerous times that they sat down with GYARI to talk about it together, meaning that if it was VOMS info leaks then they could easily persuade him to just let it slide.
It was more of a "Well what can we do to minimize the damage that has been done/could be done".
>>747547Doesn't have to be hard drugs or even "drugs", could be some shady stimulants or something recreational, which is still a very big no-no in Japan.
>>747574It's the only way to explain this that fits "serious breach of contract". She'd be setting up the entire project if this got found out by someone other than its members. It couldn't be personal issues, because she was more than willing to accept Gyari's conditions, it wasn't angency scouting because then it would be resolved in a completely different manner, without leaving 2 of your friends completely heartbroken.
It also wouldn't require setting aside few days just to figure collectively on what the fuck to do with all this mess. Drugs are a very serious thing in JP, after all.