The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a groundbreaking concept that suggests the existence of a larger, more ominous version of the beloved virtual YouTuber Gawr Gura. Just like how some people believe in cryptids such as moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, this theory proposes that there is a mysterious, oversized incarnation of Gura lurking in the shadows.
According to believers of the BGT, this colossal Gura possesses unimaginable powers and abilities, far beyond those of the regular Gura we all know and love. Some even speculate that this larger Gura may be responsible for strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena around the world.
Supporters of the Bigger Gura Theory point to various pieces of "evidence" such as blurry photographs and alleged sightings of a giant, shark-like creature resembling Gura. They also draw parallels to other cryptids and supernatural beings, suggesting that this larger Gura could be a part of a larger, hidden world that we are not fully aware of.
While skeptics may dismiss the Bigger Gura Theory as nothing more than a fanciful imagination, true believers remain steadfast in their conviction that there is indeed a bigger, more mysterious version of Gawr Gura out there, waiting to be discovered. Only time will tell if this larger Gura will reveal itself to the world and confirm the existence of the Bigger Gura Theory once and for all.