She and most women say it's okay because they benefit. Men who abandon sex and relationships often begin to support ideas that are beneficial for women. And they're only the men they would never be interested in anyway. Moreover, they know that those men will become raving cucks if the women shows them attention later in life if they're the type to have money.
Basically, a significant portion of men who don't have sex or relationships become gender traitors. Some don't, mind you, and stay angry, but usually those kill themselves. The rest become fuel for society and push society to benefit women over the few men remaining who can still be considered human beings.
For example, there are now way more fit dudes dating fat chicks than there are hot women with ugly dudes, especially poor ugly dudes. Didn't used to be that way.
Women are fine with it because the vast majority of women are fine supporting themselves and having no-strings polygamy with high value men. If they can marry an ATM at some point, even better. Those that aren't interested in the polygamy will usually snag a HVM early before he learns how much better his life can be without the commitment, or otherwise be single forever(and women are capable of being completely fine with this, their brain works differently)
>ogey incelNot even an incel, but:
>1/3 male virginity before 30 today.>This used to be low single digits.>Men work harder, are more fit, make more money, and are more attentive and egalitarian in relationships today. >Women are fatter, less feminine, and pickier.Explain it in a real satisfactory way and I'll shut up forever about it.
>So what do you want to do about it?Nothing. I just want men to stay angry. I'd rather men be miserable their entire lives and actively acknowledge that misery rather than let themselves be seduced into being happy by deluding themselves.
It's better to be honest and unhappy. Forever and ever. I want men to be miserable enough to still know what men want, and not push for what women want. I'm tired of society brainwashing men into being submissive males. It's sad. It's not what men should be.
At least if you're pissed, you won't put social pressure on the men who can be in a relationship to accept worse and worse by normalizing acceptance of it. Because among other things this just ends up normalizing even higher standards for men. It's a race to the bottom. Whereas lack of social pressure by men can often be used by HVM to push back against higher standards, and perhaps even begin to allow for more and more men back into participation.