>>7568998(here is a story i made up as i went along with it.)
Suddenly waking up, I feel the cold snow fall on top of me, and around my body. I open my eyes to see the cold forest around me, So I sit up abruptly.
I'm lost in a dark forest.. and cannot remember how I got here. I get up and start walking, nothing but trees and darkness for miles. "Where am I?, All i can remember is falling asleep on the sofa an-"
"They're coming.. run..." a voice in my head that is not my own whispers at me, Fearing for the worst I do what it says, also questioning my sanity at the same time, hoping that i'm not going crazy.
As i run, for god knows how long, I start to hear Strange sounds, Sounds that belong to no man or beast. They get closer and closer, until the voice that isn't mine speaks once more. "You're almost there, keep walking..." I'm losing my mind, losing it inside this dreadful forest with things inside of it. And without looking, I smash my face into a tree.
..Upon opening my eyes, I've realized I have been lead to and crashed into a tower. Out of breath and in pain, I try to scream for help, Hoping someone will answer my call. A few seconds, the door opens and i hurry myself inside, The tower is as cold as the outside, and there's nothing but stairs, leading to the top. The voice calls for me. "Come upstairs and meet me..." I obediently listen, hoping the person in the tower will help me get home.
Upon opening the Door to the top floor, i am hit with a wave of warmth. Fire bellows in the chimney, and the helpful stranger is sitting by it. "H-hello? are you the person calling out to me inside my head?" I hesitantly speak, still feeling cold and a bit shocked from the inital fear of the strange creatures outside.
"Yes, and good thing i did, or else you'd be eaten by Them." bewildered by the weirdness of this world, I simply ask "Them, what are them? and where am I?" The figure stands up and turns to me, I cannot see their face, as it's also covered up. "They. are horrible, you cannot comprehend their true forms, but upon wearing special garments you'll be able to fight them off and live peacefully." I scoff, being a fan of H.P lovecraft I could've seen this coming from a mile away. "So, if i look at them i'll go insane right?" It shakes their head. "No, they're invisible, but once wearing garnments, you'll be able to catch a glimpse of them. Open that chest, you'll find some clothes and a weapon that should fend them off till you get home."
I decide to accept, knowing that anything would be better than the tanktop and jeans i was wearing. Opening the chest i find a Blueish coat, It looks soft enough to fend off the snow, but the only things in the chest were a hat and what seems to be a dress. "A-are you sure you're not trying to get me to cosplay? I'm not very fond of crossdressing." The cloaked stranger giggles. "No, it was the only pair of Magic clothes i had." softly blushing, "then, can you leave the room or turn away?." Giggling again, they agree. "Of course." I begin to undress, heavily embarrassed by having to wear woman's clothing, i place on the dress and shoes i found next to the chest, my body strangely feeling warmer already. "w-wow, this outfit is really warm! I guess that's how it works." Finally, putting on the coat and the hat. The figure laughs in a creepy way, They undo the cloak and reveal their true form to me. And I can only stand in shock. "Wow, you were really gullible, but don't worry, you'll become a great Lamy, Your stamina will be put to good use."
I fucking knew it was a trap and i didn't realize it, now I have no idea what this crazy Blue haired elf lady is gonna do to me. "Well how does it feel?" She turns to face me, her eyes are a hypnotic gold and her face is perfect. "W-what are you gonna do to me?" I feel my entire body get warm, unusually warm and mostly in my crotch, thighs and chest. "Well, you'll become our new sister, now relax." My body feels heavy, as if i just lifted a tree from it's roots. I notice my hair getting longer and blue, my chest growing and my thighs thickening, I'm becoming her. "W-Why? P-Please, stop... I just wanna go home." Lamy Giggles again, noticing how cute it is. "Home? this is your home." I nod slightly, feeling my body finalize it's transformation, my memories quickly fading. "Yes Lamy, This is home...."