Ok so listen up all fags, so far, mostly from swarm intelligence for some reason, i have gathered the following data;
>a foot pic from filian
>a body pic showing thick athletic hips and torso, censored face
>a buttpic from vtuber awards, very tight mocap leggings, plump toned ass
>a full picture appearing in the back of a stream, only with coof mask, cute lightbrown haircolor,
>a face pic of an "ugly" girl smiling with blue eyes and the same haircolor(you all still would)
so far i conclude Filian has lightbrown ideal hair color with blue eyes and a roundish face. Very compact but plump and fit tomboy body, flat yet erotic, unfortunately her chest isn't anime-tier flat. A very dense and toned plump butt that probably doesn't dent when you poke it(e.g. if she sat on you clothed you would instantly get bricked up), almost superhuman. Strong yet elegant shoulders, feet that look like those no-shoes shoes and can jump well. Allegedly a low bodycount.
>Why did i make this post?
I will never live in a society with Filian.