>>76863981a) I am Eastern Orthodox - so relatively close to Roman Catholicism, aside from the structure of the church hierarchy and more abstract points of theology (Filioque, purgatory vs. no purgatory, etc.)
b) Faith and religious belief isn't where anyone's sense of guilt comes from. That's sort of like blaming medicine for inventing broken bones.
c) That's not how I'm acting, and your logic is honestly kind of bizarre to me. I'm acting like the purpose of finding a spouse is to firstly find love, and secondly to build a family. The fact that you can't get *either* of those things from your hand is, quite literally, my whole entire point.
Your next point is even more bewildering to me, so I'll simply say that modern "dating" practices is basically just "playing married" outside of the church and has clearly proven to be a catastrophically terrible idea for human society. Honestly, anyone with a brainstem should be able to see that we should go back to having marriages arranged by the parents (with input from the children, but not as the primary decision-makers), like they were in more civilized times and for nearly all of human history across nearly every human culture across the globe. Do that, and abolish the "civil contract" model of marriage and no-fault divorce, and then people can learn to love each other (and, critically, become loveable) out of necessity, and therefore *meaningfully*, instead of relying on choice and their own petty individual desires (see
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_y9F5St4j0. Say what you will about the Chosenites, and believe me I do, but they know how to build healthy, tight-knit communities). Also, "becoming a monk", as you put it, is neither unrealistic nor unhealthy; *succeeding flawlessly* is what is difficult and unrealistic for most people, but that's also why most people should ideally marry as early as humanly possible. If and only if that's not possible, should you try to practice abstinence, because in that circumstance it is definitely good for you (unless you trust the ideologically-subverted, pharma-shilling, tranny-enabling medical institutions and their dysfunctional, dissent-stifling, fraud-infested, utterly Bogged peer-review process when they tell you otherwise over your own eyes, which I assume nobody here does at this point).
And there's no need to be hyperbolic, anon. Obviously wanking itself isn't necessarily catastrophic, just like eating candy doesn't necessarily mean you'll immediately get obese. The same goes for any other vice. A permissive attitude towards these vices, on the other hand, most certainly is catastrophic, and we can see the consequences on a grand scale. Because these things are always still bad for you to at least some degree, and the less you do of it the better; so, why not hold yourself to a standard and recognize it's something you should develop discipline over, to try to minimize and overcome? I don't think that's cringe at all, actually I think it's admirable.