>>79266850Pretty sure they could have done it had they just planned it better. Splitting the livers between male, female and JP was a pretty retarded choice, it would have more favorably to do mixed groups, plus they didn't even bring their heavier hitters on the EN side, nor the JP who are actually popular in the west. ON TOP of that, they were the side piece to an already expensive con badge, for a con that gets more and more shit every year.
Amuse you were the most hardcore of Nijifans, that means getting not only all 3 different ticket but also a 4 day badge that will run you almost 200 dls for the badge alone, NOT ONLY THAT but a single day badge is 100 dls, so that's 100 dls for the badge + ticket + transport + food and lodging. It was a hard fucking ask for anyone, for concerts with 2-h members, and which notably excluded both the most popular male and female EN. It was mad unreasonable since the start.
Compare that to the Holo tour thing, where it's 70 for the badge and 40 for the cheapest sitting. only 10 dls more than just the AX badge and you only have to show up for one day, and there's talents from all branches performing