>>87892658Beat her up and then continue on my journey to
be the best there ever was
To beat all the rest, yeah, that's my cause
Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey
Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey
Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly
Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon
I'll search across the land, look far and wide
Release from my hand the power that's inside
Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck
Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebel, Moltres
Nidoking, Farfetch'd, Abra, Jigglypuff
Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff