>>8921955I travel a lot or well I used to before the pandemic, so I often chat with people on planes or the bus, in fact I found my current gf on the road. I don't know what is it but when you have a conversation just the two, they show their true colors, some are dumb and basic, some others are on STEM, some are submissive, bossy, girly, motherly, they come in all flavors, but at the core they're good people. The minute they feel the pressure of their circle of friends that's when their worst side comes man, also don't forget every circle of girls has that bitter, roastie bitch gatekeeping the good ones from men. But be assured they don't believe half of the crap they say, they just do it because they're conditioned to do so. Men are different. We say as we think and take the risk but women don't. Perhaps that's why women live longer I don't fucking know. Anyway don't lose hope. Just talk to them you will find someone as retarded and autistic as you anon. I did.