Kamioka Radio #44 - Catto and Blurry Bnuuy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tazsmJsQGmkThe stream starts with Okayu getting literally stabbed by Shiina's bunny ears.
That's right, she's a bunny girl today! Okayu realized that their outfits are actually matching each other now, they both fit the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland theme with Okayu being a Cheshire Cat and Shiina being... well, a bunny.
Shiina is extra blurry today though, the only way for them to show each others Live2D model is to use a greenscreen + Discord capture so the quality is awful. And today seems to be much worse than usual... if they reach a 100 episodes of Kamioka Radio, they'd like to get find a way to be able to collab together without going through all this mess.
>How was your Christmas?Shiina had an amazing Christmas, she laughed so much her throat started hurting.
Okayu wondered what kind of Christmas she had, Shiina then explained that she spent the evening with Chaika, Kagami and Rena, they did lots of things like playing Pokemon, silhouette quizzes with Nijisanji members, giving presents to each other, making cakes and of course eating them.
Okayu watched the stream for a bit when they played Pokemon, with the game being projected on the ground.
As for Okayu, she had an online drinking party where Subaru and Miko roleplayed as dudes in a bar and she made Suisei kiss her butt, literally. Does it sound weird out of context? Absolutely.
Shiina was a bit shocked and couldn't imagine Suisei doing such a thing. She originally thought that her Christmas was quite wild, but Okayu is on a completely different level...
Okayu invited her to watch the archive but she kinda does not want to see that.
>WorkOkayu wonders if Shiina is busy at the end of this year, and she definitely is. Incredibly busy in fact, this is pure hell for her.
She's been waking up early for work, and mornings are incredibly rough: She just does not want to get out of bed.
This is what happens when you stay up extra late in the night every single day, like some kind of endless summer vacation...
Nijisanji has a big live and tons of other things planned, Okayu guesses that everyone else is also working hard.
And they are, which is why Shiina wants to do her best as well.
>From Nekomama Misoshiru-san:>"Okayu, Shiina, good evening. It was Christmas just the other day, I hope you two had fun! Did you exchange presents to each other? If not, what kind of present would you give to each other?"Okayu actually has an idea of gift she'd like to give to Shiina.
Just the other day, she exchanged Christmas presents with some other Holos and she gave a Yutanpo to one of them!
A Yutanpo is a hot bottle of water, usually in metal, that you use to keep yourself warm in bed by putting it in the sheetsPerfect timing, because Shiina also wanted something to keep herself warm as it's getting really cold.
Lately, Okayu has been trying to convince people around her to try using a Yutanpo instead of air conditionning, because for people like them that depends a lot on talking and singing, dry air isn't a good thing and air conditioners definitely aren't helping with that.
That's why she turns it off during the night and uses a Yutanpo instead, her throat feels much better the following day.
So if there's gift she'd give to her, it would be that.
Oh and she also gave a cute cable tie during her Christmas party, great for streamers since they tends to have cables and all kind of hardware all over the place.
>Okayu: "What about you Shiina? What would you give to me?"As for Shiina, she gave some gifts as well to the others during her Christmas party, including a neckpillow. But it wasn't just any neckpillow: if you open it, it turns into a Snoopy plushie!
Okayu suddenly realizes that Shiina's gifts are almost always Snoopy-related, she herself received several Snoopy gifts from her in the past. But Shiina just really, really loves Snoopy, much more than what you can expect!
Back to neckpillows: Shiina tends to always forget them when she goes on a trip, but if it was the Snoopy one she definitely wouldn't forget it. And if she ends up working extremely late at night, she could get a room in a nearby hotel and sleep with that Snoopy plushie, it's great.
When she explained this to Chaika, he straight up told her that it sounds incredibly stupid.
Okayu doesn't think that at all, and wonders if Chaika hates Snoopy or something.
The fact that it has a Snoopy design is pretty much the only reason why Shiina got interested in this neckpillow, if it's not Snoopy then she does not want it at all.
>Okayu: "When you say it like that it sounds kind of sad.">Shiina: "No it doesn't!"Outside of Snoopy, if Shiina had to give Okayu a gift, it would probably be a Furby.
Not a Furby neckpillow, a real Furby!