Have you guys heard about this col novel named Last and First idol?
It's award winning anthology in which the titular story is about idols, ways they can succeed and idol philosophy, it even has many positive messages and should motivate you to become an idol yourself which will be way easier with this book!
Why, even the tragedy from it can be avoided thanks to advent of VTubers!
I heavily recommend you to read it, it's quite short, should take two hours max and gives you a lot to think about, why just look at this excerpt
>What is consciousness? A biological function humans obtained through evolution? That is one answer.>But is that really all? That seems unlikely. Let’s try a simple experiment. Take the smartphone in your pocket and open up an idol rhythm game. Without thinking about it, pick the song you like the most and have played more times than you can count. Were you able to set a new high score? All right, well, play through the same song again. But this time raise your consciousness. Think about it in detail, about how you need to move each finger, where you have to tap each note.>I’ll bet you anything your score is significantly lower than when you played without really thinking about it. You were using all that energy on your consciousness, and the critical information processing functions suffered as a result. Consciousness interferes with our efficiency. Living in nature with our consciousness constantly active is high cost, low return. Natural selection would never give rise to a function like that. If a lion attacks you, it’s far faster to run without any internal process than to consciously think, “Ooh, scary!” and decide to run for it.>So how did consciousness come to be? The key point here is that consciousness is not a biological function we’re born with. Quite the opposite: consciousness is a cultural function transmitted to the individual after birth. Or we could put it this way — consciousness is a software downloaded into the individual by civilization.>Then the question becomes, how can we download the consciousness software? Listen carefully. Read closely. I am about to record the answer here.>Consciousness is downloaded into individuals from idols.>Each time we see an idol, fans identify with them. As the idols throw themselves into singing, dancing, or chatting we see ourselves in them, admire their hard work, and feel like we can work harder tomorrow.>When I say fans identify with them, I don’t mean that fans take on the idol’s consciousness. Fans grow passionate about the idols, wave glow sticks, grow obsessed with their charm, simulate a substitute for the idol within themselves — and only then is their consciousness born.>Idols become idols because they love idols. This is where the connections between consciousnesses are born. Consciousness propagates and proliferates when an idol fan becomes an idol.Truly a though provoking work and while the science is somewhat aged nowadays it's still understandable and doesn't require any pre-knowledge
I also reccomend the two other stories, the second one isn't too memorable but third one is something out of this world even if not directly idol related like the first one
And since I know that trying to share something without giving you access to it there's teh link to the book!