Official odds for Fauna's Graduation 12/3:
I will personally pay each /uuu/ member a sapdollar/mancoin/lemonshilling (new!) if they don't show: Gigi, Biboo
No Payout: Mumei, Shiori, CC, Calli, Nerissa, Reine
1:10 Bae, IRyS, Watame, Raora
1:5 Kiara, Ina
1:1 Polka
5:1 Nene, Noel
10:1 Koyori, Lamy
15:1 any other JP, Gura
50:1 Kronii
100000:1 Kronii, but they have a nice talk where she expresses genuine remorse Fauna is leaving and all the rrats are slain
Side bets
50:1 Nerissa collapses/dies while calling Fauna
1:1 Fauna can't/doesn't sing "Let Me Stay Here" because normalfags will take it the wrong way because of the title EVEN THOUGH THE LYRICS FIT HER SITUATION
5:1 One member of FWMC doesn't call in, fueling rrats for years
7:1 Fauna cares enough about lore to reinstate nemu as the Guardian of Nature and give her powers back.
Brought to you by KirinCo Sportsbook, proudly rigging events since the 2023 Minecraft Sports Festival!