Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[203 / 47 / ?]

No.942610 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"the thread died at 91 posts because everyone forgot it existed and also i fixed the [embed]" edition

>Record using this instrumental as reference for key and tempo.
>Record using Audacity, Windows Voice Recorder, or some other standalone app, export the audio file, then upload to or your choice of other filehost. Do not use Vocaroo, either for recording or upload, audio quality is shite.

>Recording sent for inclusion should ONLY be your raw voice audio. Please do not apply filters and reverb and compression and shit, I'll handle the mixing and mastering, and for SURE don't send it with the music in the background because I'll just toss your shit out.

>Record a single long take or submit different sections in multiple different files. Or just submit a part here, a part there. I'm not picky. Do it however works for you.
>You can do a voice or be silly with it, as is traditional for 'x sings' efforts, but if you're obnoxiously making random annoying noises/your attempts at being funny and unique are stupid and can't be mixed in cleanly, I'm tossing your submission. As always, talking shit during downtime in the song is welcome and mildly encouraged

>If you sing/intend your submission to be harmonization, please indicate as much. If you don't know what harmonization is and/or can't do it unprompted, just stick with the base key/pitch.

>Provide submissions ITT with link
>Questions, suggestions you wanna throw at me offline, or any other stuff, send an email to [email protected] . Put something mentioning KING in the subject line.

>If you send something via email, if it ISN'T an attached audio file, or a link to a webhosted upload of the audio file, I'll assume you're trying to infect my computer. TL;DR don't zip, rar, or otherwise compress your shit. Or I'm tossing it. Deadass.

Deadline is Sunday, Feb 28th. Release date is sometime in the future after that, depends how many entries I get which in turn dictates how long mixing will take. Probably no later than end of March.

I will be releasing two variants, SOUL and soulless. Soulless is the lame "wow it's actually on-pitch and sounds good baka" version and will require less time to make, SOUL will incorporate everyone, no matter how much it hurts.

Good luck and have fun.