Right Im alittle sloshed LETS GOOOOO
>Waves crashing on the beach, the squacking of Seagulls, the smell and taste of the ocean and the light rustling of trees in the coastal breeze.
>The cold bite of the Atlantic Ocean comes next, as the next wave comes crashing down, though luckily for you the wave only reaches you midsection.
>Here you lay, facedown in the sand having just survived a your friend's boat capsizing. With what strenght you can muster you push yourself up off the sand and crawl out of the wake.
>You hate sand,It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Especially your crotch after laying in the wave for God knows how long.
>Wipping sand and dried salt from your face you begin to survey your immediate surroundings from this prone position.
>Black sand beach, stretching back maybe 50 feet to a treeline made up of great pinetrees, a tall grass litters the undergrowth, brining yourself up and onto your feet you stumble alittle, body aching and begging for you to just drop down and let it rest.
>No signs of people or civilization anywhere, well besides the stray piece of what was once the vessel lapping against the shore , it was hard to determine an exact time of day, thick clouds covered the sky.
>But with how bright it still was, must've been late morning or early afternoon. Either way, you're cold, wet, hungry , probably had a mild concussion too considering how woozy you felt. You need to find someone or somewhere you can get warm and dry off.
>walking off the beach and towards the grass you prop yourself again a tree and lower yourself down, dumping you pockets out to check inventory.
>A 3" long pocket knife you always carried, the handle contained a small piece of flint
>A damp and most definitely useless wallet with all your IDs and Bank cards. "Well I mean at least they'll be able to identify my ass" you murmer aloud
>A fried smart phone.
> 1 for 3 isn't bad, better than your batting average, chuckling at your joke in a pitiable attempt to ease yourself. Collecting your items you make your way back down to the shore line looking for anyone or anything useful that may have washed ashore.
>Spending the next 2 hours-ish walking up and down the shore you didnt manage to find much, some drift wood, and aluminum scraps from what was the boat. Collecting the more manageable sized pieces of aluminum you make your way back off the beach and into the wooded area, light is already fading and you have nothing prepared.
>Rushed, time isnt on your side you dont even bother trying to cut any of the lumber simply climbing up and leaning down as best you can to snap decent sized sapplings. Constructing a basic A-Frame shelter and layering pine branches as a cover.
>By the time this is done dusk has set in and the canopy grows dark, it doesnt seemed to have rained lately at least so you managed to collect dry pine needles and small branches, without more scavenging into the night there is no way any fire you make will last into the morning.