>>7781271I know suicide looks tempting, the sweet relief of death, the eternal slumber from the temporary pains of life and all that, but consider this: you only get one life and death is the end, you always have time for suicide.
Instead of that, you should try to get your life arround. I know it sounds like bullshit because I have heard it quite a few times myself, but the problem is, the general idea of the "advice" -if such general idea could be call that- is right, but its difficult to see the point in it without an objective. I know this because I've been ther and Im still kind in the same situation. How the fucj do you even turn your life arround if you dont even know where to start?
Pick a goal. Accept the fact that your life right now is a pointless shit and that any other situation has the potential of being marginally better. Pick any goal you want, move to the other coast, pick a hobby, move to a city/state/place you always wanted to visit. Leave your old life behind and start anew. It is a very intimidating prospect, frankly, but what do you have to loose? Your other option is to end it all and cut short your posibilities and potential.
Remeber, anything is better than diying, and the second worst thing is the life you are living right now. Go, and change your situation. Right now your destiny depends only on you.