>>7587803No one believes those fucking numbers anymore, retard.
Not even the CIA.
>CIA documents show that the gulag system only killed about 2 million people and that Russia had a lower incarceration rate than the USstalinistkatyusha.wixsite.com/stalinist-katyusha/single-post/2018/10/04/The-Truth-about-the-Soviet-Gulag---Surprisingly-Revealed-by-the-CIA>No, the Great Leap Forward did NOT "kill 70 million people", this period saw a massive output in agricultural and industrial output, as well as a life expectancy increase. 1961 was China's last famine.http://monthlyreview.org/commentary/did-mao-really-kill-millions-in-the-great-leap-forward>>7587803>asking for handoutsIn the USSR it was ILLEGAL to not work.
You have o fucking clue what you're on about.
Read a book, dipshit.