>>6939343This was originally meant mostly in a very Buddhist sense. Basically, to reach enlightenment, or at least to be happier and more at peace, you can't understand reality, you just have to know it. I think I once read something about a pebble in a river in relation to this concept. The world of the mud on river bed or the people in it(your fellow pebbles) will hold you in place, a comfortable place, so you'll want to stay, but only by distancing yourself from these obstructions can you flow with the river into the ocean. I've always liked the optimism of the implication that reality is biased toward our journey to the ocean.
In a secular sense, I've always taken this to mean
>>6956556 with the slight caveat that avian flight patterns and reproduction aren't thought processes or feelings for animals. They're very clearly instincts, faggot.