>>7439615Technically, since birth (baptised into the Orthodox Church). Sincerely, consciously, actively I have been a follower of Jesus Christ for about 5 years now.
Up until 13-14 went to church on major holidays. Spent my teenage years eating up all the crap "modern society" preached. Spent my early 20s trying to make sense of everything since none of the things that were presented as undeniable truth held any water beyond face value and blind submission to authority (the official story on many historical records, big bang theory, evolution, dialectical materialism, world politics). Started looking for the truth and tried to find a righteous path in a life that did not make sense and seemed like one big joke (called Clown World these days).
Got "stuck" at various forks in the road (/pol/, european identitarianism) but I kept hitting a wall. I kept running into the issue of the increasingly impacient occult world elite cabal and their sustained effort in doing away with borders, nation, family, christianity and bringing in a Babel 2.0 (a feudalistic elite of transhumanists at the top and a communist, hivemind system for the mentally enslaved masses). I kept trying to convince myself that it was just about power and money. Reading the works of E Michael Jones and Henry Makow, "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr among others, I came to see that there is an undeniable spiritual element to it all, and it's been a unified, ongoing effort by a handfull of power dinasties and their secret society lackeys.
So you could say that I found God by being reactionary. The rabid assault on Jesus Christ in the media, normalization of pedophilia, every "slippery slope" being proven not a fallacy, the resurgence of paganism, new age occultist, monism after more than two decades of euphoric atheism...I had to concede. There had to be a God, because there was cleary a devil.
Since then faith has long replaced reactionarism. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.