We have a somewhat relationship goals- relationship together for almost 2 years before she one day text me that we have to talk once I get home. Alright. I get home and write what's up and she writes this long message about how she cannot take it anymore and that wants to break up. I break down and begin crying like a fucking baby.
We kept talking some time after we broke up but it mostly ended up in arguments that pretty much tore my heart open again because I never knew she held so much anger towards me. Shit goes on for some months before she ends up contact with me and I learn to ''live'' with it because all I ever wanted for her was to be happy, and if it was not with me then it sucks to be me right?
Been 4-6 months since I last heard her voice but she called me somewhat after I got home from work and ask me why I still had pictures of me and her on my fb and I just said that I didn't mean anything with it but I just liked looking back on the good memories, actually my only good memories in my life. She ask me to take them down and I accept saying I am sorry if I caused any harm. She starts getting pissed at me and I say I am sorry with tears running down my cheeks and I pull myself to ask her a question that has been burning in my head and throat for months. I ask her if she ever regrets coming into my life or that I came into her life. She said yes without hestitation and says that she wish she could go back time and stop herself from getting to know me.
I have cried everynight since that because imagine knowing that the only person who made you actually feel something in your shell of a heart, regrets having you in her life. I am up to smoking about 3-4 packs a day just to feel how it would be to suffocate on something else than the thought of her. I hate myself and I cannot find a reason to live.