>>6611757Good to hear a happy ending, makes a cynical fuck like me happy.
>>6611905I'll make it simple for you from second hand experience (
>>6606713). DONT FUCKING TALK TO HIM, EVER. He fucked up, do not even let him contact you. Don't feel bad, seriously. He hurt you not because he said something that may have been well intentioned or didn't like your favorite movie. He committed domestic violence and will not change, ever.
>>6612174She made up a reason. She has her own that she can't bear to tell you.
>>6612214You did the right thing homie.
>>6612428If you're happy being friends then that's all good but if you're not then you should end it. If it hurts too much then don't stick around to feel shitty because you wanna be "friends"
I suppose it's my turn to put in where I am at while relationships. After finding out that the girl I most recently fell for was dating someone else despite telling me she wasn't looking to date made me a little miffed but I got over it quickly. A few weeks later I realized that I am at a point where I am pretty happy doing what I am doing now, it's not great but it's working. I felt for the first time in my life that I didn't need a girl to be with which was a major cause of pain for me. I am still lonely but it's manageable. I am too cynical, brash, and outside of my college culture that I don't think I will find anyone here which is hard. I do hope I do find someone but being alone for so long is starting to seed thoughts of being forever alone and other fatalistic stuff. Fingers crossed that I get something going for me before I start to become more apathetic about what's going on around me outside of my circle of influence.