>>7924561probably actually uses his computer, either a legit boomer or a guy who is still into vaporwave despite it being long gone.
>>7924564is a noob ricer, but knows what he likes.
>>7924566will try linux for 1 minute and then go back to windows
>>7924570gamer stuck in the 2010s, map autist, possibly gay/trans due to inclusion of omori.
>>7925014probably actually uses his computer for work, but wants to be fashionable with it (despite none of it meshing well together).
>>7925351music and history nerd, probably zoomer but that won't get you down. Pretty chill.
>>7925388has a severely undiagnosed mental condition.
>>7925548chill indie gamer
>>7926282depressed ponyfag who is upset the hype of friendship is magic has been long, long gone for years and doesn't know how to fill that void or if he can.
>>7926285edgy teenager with possible depression
>>7926344wants to fit in so badly to seem cool, but doesn't work. Also an edgy teen, or middle schooler.
>>7926727wishes the old days of windows and internet were back, but they will never be.
>>7926733gay AND trans
>>7926824the stereotypical /pol/ user, and not in a good way.
>>7926850ricer that gave up linux, but still loves ricing.
>>7926853porn addled fantasy fan who has decided to get out of his porn addiction hole and try out new hobbies to fill his time.
>>7926861probably depressed
>>7926900>>7927195teen who just discovered memes. Pretty cool guy, though.
>>7927217normie, but doesn't care as long as it works.
>>7927224horny anime fan who tries to pass off as cool in public
>>7927325Trans with a capital t
>>7927396weeb with a good life and goal set
>>7927411probably a zoomer who is having his first time playing all those retro games.
>>7927486uber normie, but that's ok
>>7927500LOVES information, even if it obstructs actual usability
>>7927521indie band nerd who wishes for a better home life
>>7927529gamer with too much time on his hands