>I get depressed because no more contact with A (not the cut my wrists for attention sort of depression, just sad)>Spend a few months that way>Parents don't really care>I get into a friends with benefits relationship with one of the qts in my class>She's 15, solid 8/10 stereotypical punk girl style (let's call her M)>I bounce back from some of the sadness>Everything's going well between us>My body develops, I no longer look like a washboard>I lose my lesbian virginity>We have sex whenever we can>Her mum's okay with it>One day we do it at my house because my parents are going out>They come back because they forgot something>They find me going down on M>Mum freaks out>She doesn't believe I'm gay because I'm girly>She chalks it up to a phase>Dad takes it in stride, and ultimately comes to terms with it >(Mum still thinks it's a phase even though it's been four years since then)>For some reason Mum starts spending more time with me, as for why she does so is anyone's guess>Surprisingly we get closer>We develop a normal relationship>I get quite happy because Mum was now an active part of my life>She actually starts paying attention to the stuff I do>For the first time in years she praises my grades and behaviour>feelsgoodman.png>Some months pass>Complete loss of contact with A by now, haven't talked with her in months>Get sad again>My 14th birthday comes around>One day before it Mum hosts party and invites mostly her and Dad's friends>Pretty lame>Still no contact with A>Fast forward two months>M says she loves me>I don't feel the same>We end the relationship>Fast forward another month>Dad has business in Ireland>We travel back to spend around a monthPic related, it reminds me of the time we laid in her house's roof looking at the sky and talked
To be continued.
>>6984009I've been running around buying school stuff since yesterday; classes at my university start in five days, but I'll finish it.